42 | His Touch

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warning ; light mature content ahead.

"What's tonight?" Maggie asked, it was just the two of us now as Hermione scurried to the library with Harry and Ron.

"I have no idea, he didn't give any details."

"Well, I want the details tomorrow, because I'm already positive that you'll be staying the night over there." She smirked, sitting up and fixing her hair that was flattened from laying on the bed.

"I will, promise." I stand from the bed, swiping my robe from the chair and putting it on.

"Does Theodore know yet? I haven't spoken to him since breakfast." Maggie questions, standing up as well and now facing me.

"No..." I sighed, it was incredibly difficult to tell my brother anything that includes another boy and I. Especially if it's Mattheo, the son of you know who.

"Love," She tilts her head, "You have to tell him sooner or later. Riddle has been slick about it, but it won't be long before you get caught."

"I know I know. I just don't know how to even begin to explain it to him, I mean I already denied it so many times that if I admit it now I look like I'm a liar, and I don't want him to not put his trust in me." I frowned.

"Would it be better if you and I both went to sit down and talk to him about it?" She asks, rubbing my shoulder.

"Maybe. I should talk to Mattheo about it first though, before I even think of opening my mouth to Theodore."

"Agreed. But I'm warning you already, it's not going to be sunshine's and rainbows. I mean look how angry Theodore was when he found out about you and Lorenzo." She explained and I nod, that was not fun... and especially all the lectures and I told you so's I heard after that.

"Yeah. Okay, let's forget about all of that. I'm hungry, you?" I ask and she nods intensely.

After absolutely devouring a plate of mash potatoes and chicken, I look across from me at Neville who was staring at me jaw dropped.

"Hungry were you?" He spoke and I try to hide my laugh, "Just a little."

When I get hungry, I have a big appetite. And I don't care who sees me eat, because I can tear up any plate of food if I wanted to.

"You eat like a child who hasn't seen food for days." Draco snickered from the Slytherin table.

"And you eat like a horse, so go back to inhaling your apples and shut your mouth ferret!" I snapped back at him.

I smirk when I hear his friends laugh, feeding into my ego more.

"Oh, shove off Evelyn!" He annoyingly responds.

"He asked for it." Maggie laughs while having a mouth full of mashed potatoes.

"Gross Maggie!" Neville's nose shriveled in disgust.

"Hey, sorry we're late. What did we miss?" Harry asks, sitting down at the table along with Ron and Hermione.

"Nothing much. Just Evelyn insulting Malfoy per usual." Maggie answered, finishing her plate.

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