39 | Baby Steps

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I stood there speechless in front of him, never has he even thought to apologize to me for everything he has done.

Maybe I got through to him in some way, even if he doesn't think so, I think he also poured his feelings out to me.

He let me in, when he expressed all of those feelings I saw that he was different, if he wanted to be, he could be a good person, but that wasn't up to me, that was his decision.

But then he crushed it. Letting me know I could never change him as he stated I tried to. And without knowing, maybe I did try to change him.

"I'm sorry for trying to see the good in you." I finally spoke, looking down at the floor.

"There is nothing good in me, stop fucking saying that." He angrily retaliated.

"Whatever, I'm done arguing, I'm done with this." I go to turn around and walk away from him, but he refuses to let me.

"I'm going to fucking regret doing this. But I know I'll regret letting you leave more." He mutters under his breath, for a moment I could tell he cared about me.

I look at him dumbfounded, that was until he grabbed my face harshly, pulling me close to him and smashing his lips onto mine, enclosing me with his scent.

I tried so hard to fight back from him intoxicating me, but deep down in the back of my mind, I didn't want to pull away from him, I wanted him to kiss me and I hopelessly kissed him back.

"You're going to make me go insane." He whispered into the kiss, and I couldn't help but smile.

"I think you're already at that point."

He smirked, pressing his lips onto mine again, his hands reaching down to my lower back and pressing my body against him, I didn't even care if anyone saw us at that moment, he really is a bad influence on me, because if beginning of the year me saw the version of me now, she would be absolutely livid.

I reach for his hair, making our kiss deepen, my fingers pull and tangle into his curls, hearing him grunt into the kiss sent shudders down my spine, I'm guessing he liked it.

We both pull away for air, another reason being I was now terrified of being seen by a Professor.

"Come to my dorm tonight." He speaks, just as out of breath as I was.

I was starstruck by his suggestion, I wasn't sure if he was thinking straight right now after everything that just happened between us.

"I'm not sure that's a great idea." I mumbled, and he shakes his head in disagreement.

"You and I are not a great idea, but neither of us are listening, why start now?" He did have a point, but I don't want to wake up regretting this decision.

When I didn't say anything, he knew he had won me over. I, being an idiot, follow him by his side to his dorm.

He unlocks his door, opening it and I follow along inside as he closes the door behind.

His scent enters every part of me, I look around and notice every detail, coming to his dorm is something I will never get used to.

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