51 | Protect

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"I got fucking snogged by Astoria because you were out there with Riddle." Draco complained, wiping his lips off repeatedly with his sleeve.

"We just talked." I lied, looking out the window while being squished between Maggie and Theodore.

Six people in one compartment was a lot to fit, especially when Draco wants to spread his legs out.

"Lies we saw you! Theodore was going absolutely feral. Draco has to hold him back so he didn't go out there."  Maggie says with a laugh, kicking Draco's foot back so she could move hers.

"Fuck off!" Draco yelled at her, crossing his arms to his chest.

I lean forward and tug on Draco's cheek like I was his grandmother, "Awe, did you get your face sucked on by Astoria?"

He hits my hand away, "Shove off. I'm sure you and Riddle enjoyed sucking each other's lips off!"

Theodore kicked Draco in his shin as a sign of him to shut up, "Fuck Theodore!" He held his shin, rubbing the bone.

"Stop swearing so much." Hermione demanded, rolling her eyes at the blonde boy.

Before Draco could respond, Theodore stands up and interrupts quietly, "I'll be right back."

"Where are you going love?" Maggie questions, tugging on his hand gently.

"I'm just hungry, going to find the trolley." He grins softly, she nods and let's go of his hand and I watch Theodore close the compartment door behind him, leaving my sight.


"What the hell do you want?" I close the compartment door quietly, watching him enchant the Muffliato spell and peeling the blinds over the windows so no one could see us.

"I'm not asking you. I'm telling you this as an order do you understand me?" Riddle spoke sternly, "I don't even know what you're asking me to do, so go on, spit it out."

"You need to tell Evelyn about your Father."

I turn away from him and run my fingers through my hair with frustration and anger, "I already told you that I'm not—"

"This isn't up for discussion or negotiation Nott. You do as I say, I don't care what you want." He interrupts me, grasping onto my shoulder and making me turn around to face him.

"Yeah? You sure seem to care a fuckin' lot about my sisters wants." I scoffed, looking everywhere but him, not being able to stand his face.

"Do you know why my Father chose you as a death eater Theodore? Because you've shown you can do something no one else can with no regret. You murdered your own Father, blamed it on a cigarette and got away with it. That's why you're one of us." He explained roughly, avoiding the subject of my sister away.

"I don't want to be one of you. I want my sister to be safe and away from all of this shit. You can't expect to me to storm in there and tell my sister she isn't even my real fucking sister and I murdered my Father because I couldn't stand him hurting her anymore and I needed to protect her." I yelled at him, practically breaking down in front of him, and I've never done any of this before.

He doesn't say anything. He stands there and watches me become vulnerable.

I swallow thickly, "I didn't kill him because I was fucked in the head as child. I didn't kill him because I was evil and he was just a poor bastard. I killed him out of love and because he hurt my sister over and over again and I needed to put a stop to it. I'm not like you or your fucking death eaters, and I never will be. So you fucking understand me right now, I rather be killed by your Father than join your group of murderers, who kill for fun."

"Do you want me to feel sorry for you? Grow the fuck up. You don't have a choice." He responds with no humanity in his face, his voice still serious but no emotion behind it.

"Don't you have a fuckin' heart? Emotions? What the hell is wrong with you that you have to shut down completely?" I pushed him back roughly, nothing a single tear running down my cheek.

"No. I don't cry either."

"Fuck you Riddle. Fuck you. Stay away from my fucking sister do you understand me?" I say with gritted teeth, it took all of me not to pull some type of spell on him that would make him hurt.

"You claim you want to protect your sister. But listen to me when I say if you don't join us, my Father will have no choice but to go after her because you refused, and she will die. And I will not let her be fucking killed because of something you did."

"Since when did you care whether my sister is alive or not? You hurt her just by breathing. You're no good!" I seethed, the tears brimming at the corner of my eyes, blurring my eyesight but quickly being wiped away by my sleeve.

"I never said I cared whether she was alive or not. I'm not letting her be killed when she is the only child of Gellert Grindelwald. She is important to my Father, not me you fucking imbecile."

"You're a piece of shit. You're using her, an innocent girl, for your lunatic of a Father. Merlin if it wasn't for her I would kill you right here right now." My chest heaves with my breathing, my hands tremble from the anger running through my veins.

"It's not rocket science to figure it out. I will admit, I am fond of her when she moans my name." He smirked and that finally set me off edge.

I pounce immediately, my fist meeting his face so many times I lost count, not that I was counting in the first place, my first instinct was to hurt him for hurting my sister.

He grabbed my fist, twisting my arm and shoving me back against the cold and hard wall of the compartment.

My voice was weak, "You're fucking using her, you're using my sister."

"She isn't your real sister, and yes, I am using her for my Father. Why else would I want her?"



hope you guys enjoyed!!

ik im making you guys hate mattheo but that's what i want because you'll realize he will have some serious character development ;)

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