84 | Taste Of Your Own Medicine

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"Please, calm down Ms Nott."

"Calm down?! You expect me to be calm when I find out I have some freakish ability? Did you know about this?" My voice was loud, and definitely heard.

"I've questioned myself about it. It has always been a thought."

"And you didn't think to tell me?!" I yelled straight to his face, there was so much frustration behind all of this.

"You're only seventeen Ms. Nott I am trying to protect you. You do not want to find Grindelwald, he's worse than what they say in the books." He raised his voice back at me, clearly trying to get a point across.

"I don't need your protection Professor. I can't trust anything you say and I want to find Grindelwald whether I have your help or not." I argue, he knows that I will not not standing down from this.

"You need to control your emotions before you go wandering to find the most dangerous wizard of all time... your emotions effect your magic." He speaks in a calmer tone, almost too calm.

"Stop trying to protect me. I don't want the protection from a liar." I spoke harshly, turning around on my heel and leaving his office, I couldn't bare to hear another word from his lying mouth.

Walking in the halls, a lot of people gave me dirty looks and harsh glares, I was confused as no one knew my secret but my closest friends.

"Evelyn!" Hermione suddenly comes running my way, shaking my shoulders that only frightens me more.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"We weren't the only ones in the Slytherin common room the other night. Astoria saw everything and the rumor is spreading around like a wild fire."

Of course she did. She's always had it out for me.

But the only thing that had filled my mind was complete rage. I walk past Hermione as my shoulder hits hers, looking for Astoria.

I storm through the Great Hall and glance at the Slytherin table to finally see her sitting down.

"Oh no..." Hermione mutters.

I push her shoulder to get her attention, "What the hell is your problem?"

"What? Are you going to use your freakish magic on me like you did on the fireplace?" She snorts, laughing back at me toward all of her friends.

By that point, I was fuming, I don't think I've ever felt that much anger in my life.

My hand met her hair, getting a firm grip before pushing her head down against the table, "Maybe I will."

There was loud gasps formed from the Great Hall, students were staring waiting to see what was going to happen next.

"Evelyn! Come on she isn't worth it." Maggie and Hermione come rushing toward me.

"Really? Her main goal in life is clearly to ruin mine." I snapped back at her.

"Where's Mattheo?" I heard someone whisper.


I had leaned back against the wall, enjoying the show of my girlfriend threatening Greengrass.

That was until an angry brunette came charging toward me.

Granger smacked me across my arm, "How can you watch this with a smirk on your face? Go get Evelyn and calm her down!" She lectured me.

"No, I think that Greengrass deserves every ounce of Evelyn's frustration." I shrugged.

"You clearly don't know her. She doesn't act out like this, she's not you and no offense, I don't want her to become like you." She scoffs, crossing her arms to her chest to prove a point.

"I take great offense to that. Who would not want to become like me? After all, I get what I want when I want it because of the fear people have of me." I respond with hints of sarcasm in my voice.

"Mattheo just go calm her down! She won't listen to any of us, the only one she will understand is you, and you need to talk to her."

"We are not friendly Granger don't call me by my first name. I simply tolerate you because of my lovely girlfriend's liking to you." I snap back at her, her eyebrows furrow at my rudeness.

She looks at me with an angry expression, I scoff and roll my eyes before pushing myself off the wall and walking past her roughly, making my way to my fired up gem of a girlfriend.

I approach her, setting one of my hands on her waist, "Little extreme don't you think?"

"No. I know you're just over here to stop me from—"

"Stopping you from what... hm? Teaching her a lesson? What are you going to do Evelyn? You'll be expelled either way, I wouldn't recommend this." I cut her off, she takes the time to look at me.

"You're against me? But this is how you solve things, you threaten everyone."

"Yes, but you are not me, that's the difference." I answer, she looks at me even more dumbfounded before lifting her hand from Greengrass's head.

She swallows thickly, "Maybe that should change."

"You're not thinking straight, you're acting out."

She scoffs, "And you have room to talk? Mattheo you flip out over the littlest inconveniences or if one thing doesn't go your way!"

"She does have a point." Granger whispers.

"I'm not the best fucking role model, and if you told me how much you didn't want to be like me before, then why are you acting like me, hm?"

"I'm finally standing up for myself like I've should've done a while ago, after all she deserves it, that doesn't mean I'm turning into a sociopath Mattheo." Evelyn snaps back at me, almost taking me to surprise.

I grab her arm and jerk her toward me, leaning down and whispering in her ear, "Just because you have these abilities, doesn't mean you can talk to me however you fucking want, if I'm so terrible then why the hell are you with me?"

I don't give her a chance to respond, I only hear her call out my name as I walk away from her without turning back.


hope you enjoyeddd xoxo
happy early v day if i don't update by then💘💘

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