57 | Untangling The Past

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Mattheo's words repeat in my head like a broken record, 'the scar that you probably deserved'.

The scar that has stuck with me for eight years straight and has constantly reminded me of Theodore and I's childhood and how hard we had to work to survive back then.

After I left his dorm, I decided to finally face the reality and go back to my own. To my surprise, I didn't find Maggie or Hermione there.

I was dreading tomorrow. Monday. Monday means I had to go back to classes, back to studying, and back to homework.

I jolt at the knocking occurring at the door, I didn't get a chance to go over and open it, seeing Theodore's face as he barges in on his own.

"We need to talk, Evelyn." He shuts the door behind him, and I instantly freeze. I was ready to face my friends for why I haven't been at our dorm recently, but I certainly wasn't ready to face Theodore, not yet, and sometimes I hoped I would never have to.

"I don't want to talk." I respond coldly, turning away from him so I couldn't see his face, mostly because I'd probably slap him.

"I can't express enough how sorry I am for not telling you as soon as I found out—"

"I said I don't want to talk about it Theodore." I cut him off, I didn't care how sorry he was, he didn't tell me anything, and that's his fault.

"Don't you think I feel bad too? I feel horrible Evelyn. I'm the one who's always looked after you. I practically took care of you. I found out at Malfoy's Christmas Eve party, I wasn't even aloud to fucking react to it because a bunch of lunatics were around me! Evelyn I love you, you're my sister, blood or not. I grew up with you and I've always taken care of you, I've protected you and we've been together through thick and thin. Nothing will ever change that." He yelled over my own voice.

"If you feel so bad, then tell me Theodore, who are my parents then? I'm sure since you were told about your parents not being mine, they told you who mine were."

"Evelyn I can't." His jaw clenched and he looks to the side. I bite down on the inside of my cheek. "It's not your choice! I know you want to protect me. But I know the truth now and you can't keep trying to blind me from it. So please. Tell me."

I watch as he takes a deep breath before spitting out, "Gellert Grindelwald."

"What?" I gulped, I haven't heard much about the wizard, only that he was bad news. One of the only wizards who could perform magic without their wand.

"And I know it's hard to wrap your head around, but I've seen your birth certificate. And I know I can't hold you back from finding out the truth anymore. I'm willing to sneak you into the restricted section of the library so you can read and find out more about him. I myself don't know much about the wizard. We're going to need help from Harry, and I'm sure he won't give up his invisible cloak easily, you'll have to tell your friends the truth, Ev."

Speaking of my friends...

"Evelyn! Where have you been? Merlin we haven't seen you all weekend!" Maggie rushes over to me, immediately pulling me into a hug and starting to suffocate me.

She pulls away, allowing me to breathe. "Oh. Hello my love." She places a kiss onto Theodore's cheek.

"What's going on with you?" Hermione questions, her hand grazing my arm to show comfort. But I could barely seem to speak.

"Evelyn and I actually have something to tell you." Theodore joins me on the bed, he wanted to tell the girls together and I was thankful that he would do this with me.

"Well, we're waiting." Maggie chuckles.

"We just recently found out that Evelyn and I... aren't really siblings by blood. She was separated from her real parents at birth. I don't know who her real Mother is. But her Father is a wizard who's extremely powerful, and no one has seen him in years, Gellert Grindelwald." Theodore explained while I watch Hermione and Maggie's faces both drop.

If they could drop to the floor, they would.

"I apologize that I didn't tell you guys sooner. I was going through a lot when I found out that Theodore wasn't actually my brother by blood. And today, I just found out about my real Father. Things have just been so crazy and I feel lost— I don't know what to do." I sniffled, trying my absolutely hardest not to breakdown in front of everyone.

"Oh my gosh, Evelyn. I'm so sorry... I wish you would've told us earlier, we could've been there for you. But you and Theodore will always be brother and sister, no matter what." Hermione sits next to me on my bed, letting me rest my head on her shoulder.

"Love, you've been through so much this year I feel horrible for you." Maggie holds my hand in hers, squeezing it tightly.

"We are here for you always. Is there anything I can do?" Hermione asked, rubbing my back.

"I want to learn more about... Gellert Grindelwald, and the only place to find more is at the library in the restricted section. Can you ask Harry to help?" I question and she nods.

"Yes of course. I'm sure he'd love to help you. Is it alright if I tell the boys about this? Harry will ask the reason to sneaking into the restricted section."

"Yes. Thank you Hermione." I sadly smiled, I didn't know I felt. Part of me wanting to forget that I ever found out this life changing information.

"You're okay too?" Maggie switched over to Theodore, her hands meeting his face.

"I'm fine, I'm more worried about my sister." He answered, and I smile to myself as he still refers to me as his sister, I mean why wouldn't he? It's always been Theodore and I, and nothing could ever change our relationship as siblings.


next chapter will be about evelyn learning about GRINDELWALD!!! i'm so happy we are getting into the chapters where evelyn finds out about her past!

also there will be a lot more drama because remember... even though theodores father wasn't evelyn's, that's still who evelyn grew up with. so, she still DOES NOT know that thedore killed him.

double update, hope you enjoyed.

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