11 | Bite Me

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"You sure you don't remember?" Theodore asks.

"It came back to me, but you won't like my answer when I tell you what happened." I warned him, I didn't want him to act reckless.

"What's going on?"

"I was in the library late at night, when I saw Riddle there, he kept his word on his threat—"

"Don't finish that sentence. He put his hands on you?" He cut me off, angrily.

Without a word I nod, he throws his head back and runs his fingers through his hair in frustration before yelling.

"I told you, I told you to not say or do anything that would throw him off. He doesn't care about anyone if you haven't guessed, now I have to fucking fix your problems."

"I never asked you to fix my problems. I don't need you to, I can take care of myself." I spat back, he didn't get to blame this on me.

"No Evelyn you can't or you wouldn't be laying in your bed not in class, just stay out his way." He stormed out of the room.

( my first time doing another characters pov besides the main!!!)

"Hey man," I lean against the doorframe of the common room, looking at Riddle who was pouring liquor into a glass cup.

"Can I help you?" He speaks but doesn't look at me, focusing on his glass of alcohol.

"Listen I know my sister is a pain in the ass, but I can't do this shit you want me to do if you put your hands on her. She's still my sister and I need her safe." I say.

He finally turns his full attention to me, his eyes throwing daggers into mine, "I don't think I can do that."

"Come on, she meant no harm."

"I'm not really fond of your sister, Nott." He circles around the chair before leaning on it.

"Then I can't do what you asked me to." I put my foot down, in the back of my mind I was a bit frightened of what he would say.

"I know your secret Nott. You do as I say, it will not be told, your sister isn't in this deal." He said, my heart pulsing of fear, the secret could never get out, especially to Evelyn.

Evelyn would never forgive me if she knew what I did to our Father even if it was to protect her.

"I'm begging you, on behalf of her protection, I'm asking for your mercy." I was desperate for her to be safe, I didn't care if it meant getting on my own two knees and kissing his shoes if that's what it took to boost his ego more.

He chuckled, "Mercy? I don't show mercy, that is why I'm as powerful as I am, I'm the nightmare children dream of."

I don't say anything, knowing I had failed and that he wouldn't stop going after Evelyn.

"But since I'm feeling a little generous today, and your sister can't go one minute without talking back, I'll make you a new deal." He spoke and mg eyes brighten at his words.


"I'll leave your sister alone, I won't go after her. But if she makes one move towards me or even talks backs to me, she's dead." He was completely serious and it took everything of me not to charge at him for threatening death on my sister.

I instead nodded but he wasn't finished, "I'm only making this deal because I know she will fail. She can't fight the urge of not opening her mouth when it doesn't need to be opened. Maybe the Hufflepuff can help her with that."

I cringe at the image of my sister and Cedric Diggory being together in my head, "Yeah thanks, I didn't need to think of that." I shake my head, walking out of the common room.

Turned out my plan to keep Evelyn safe didn't work so well with her.

"You did what?!" She yelled at me, throwing the pillows from her bed at me.

"I was trying to protect you!"

"Well I can't stand that arrogant ass! This isn't going to work Theodore." She crosses her arms.

"Well it's either you close your damn mouth, or you're a goner Evelyn." I sighed, I didn't tell her about the death part which made her angrier.

"Leave my room before I make you leave. I'm not in the mood to deal with you're stupid decisions that you make for me." She scolded me.

"Sorry if you feel that way, but I'm not letting my little sister be hunted down by Riddle just because she couldn't shut the hell up." I shrug.

She throw another pillow and I hurried to leave, the pillow hits the door and I hear her grunt in frustration.


I watched Theodore talk to Riddle, looking actually interested, of course I wanted to say something to Riddle, tell him to leave my brother and I alone, but Theodore made me keep quiet.

I'm too afraid to tell Professor Dumbledore about Riddle's threat to hurt me, he could find out and then hunt me down to the ends of the earth.

"What's she doing here?" Riddle asked Theodore, and I was about to snap back, but remembering the deal Theodore talked about... I didn't.

"She's a leech." Theodore laughed, I glare at him, "Kidding, she's just with me we were going to meet up with friends."

"She can't speak for herself? What's the matter... cat got your tongue?" He smirked widely, standing in front of me.

Gosh I just want to punch him in his stupid face, I'll add another scar to his collection.

"You want to hit me? That's not nice of you Redhead." He fake pouts before turning it into a smile, I hate that he can read thoughts.

"I'll meet you there Theodore." I ignore Riddle and walk past him, which he didn't like at all.

He grabs my wrist turning me to face him, Theodore takes a step towards us but stops at Riddle's glare.

"The only reason you're not in the grave right now is because I made a deal." He seethed.

"Bite me." I replied, and that wasn't rude, it was just a smart ass comeback that hopefully that didn't break Theodore's agreement.

"You're on thin ice Nott." He harshly let's go of me and I quickly walked away from the two.

This was going to be hard.




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