87 | Spring Break

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To my surprise, I haven't heard or seen much of Mattheo, I thought he'd be getting his revenge for me messing with Lorenzo, but he hasn't been seen with anyone else.

I was surprised Astoria hasn't tried to get in his pants either, it definitely was unlike him.

"Ready?" Theodore snaps me out of the trance I was in, lifting my luggage into the trunk.

Spring break was a perfect time to get away from everything that was going on, but we were still moving forward with our plan to find Grindelwald, as Evan was no help at all.

I nod, Theodore fits all the luggage into the trunk, shutting it tight.

"I'm so happy to spend spring break together!" Maggie leaps into the arms of my brother, kissing his cheek.

Maggie had convinced her Father to spend the spring break with us at the Malfoy Manor.

As well as Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Mattheo, which I wasn't sure why we needed him.

"See you after spring break?" Lorenzo takes a few steps towards me.

"Going to miss me?" I smiled, tilting my head to the side.

"I'll miss doing this," He said before leaning in to leave one single kiss on my lips.

"I know, I'll miss it too."

"Alright, let's go." Theodore interrupts, I smile back at Lorenzo before Theodore basically had shoved me in the car.

I spot Mattheo walking over, I knew he saw Lorenzo kiss me. I could basically feel his glance.

"Why does he have to come?" I whisper to Theodore, he'd just make things worse.

"Trust me I don't like it anymore than you do. But we do need him, he has a way of threatening people to get what he wants, plus he's smart and has connections, sadly." He responds.

The car was pretty crammed as we fit eight people, two in the front and six in the back.

Ron drove, which was likely not the best idea, but it was his Mother's car so we didn't have much of choice.

Mattheo sits closest to the window, and I was crammed next to him, our legs touching, if I moved any closer I would've been on his laps.

He looks out the window, he hasn't spoken once or even acknowledged me.

It was a long way to the Malfoy Manor, but with Mattheo's leg touching mine I could not think straight, and that was probably the most pathetic thing I've ever said in my head.

At least I didn't have to worry about him reading my mind anymore, Theodore showed me a few tricks to block Mattheo out, stopping him from stealing my thoughts.

I lean my head against Theodore's shoulder, he doesn't mind as he doesn't move.

I close my eyes, eventually falling asleep.


I wake up in surprise, the car coming to a stop as we were back on the ground.

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