27 | Cold As Stone

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Week two. It has been two weeks since Maggie and I have last spoken, neither of us have tried to.

I refused to apologize first, I didn't do anything wrong, maybe I should've told them that I was staying with Riddle but then again is it really their business?

Maggie isn't my Mother, and she can't shame me for staying somewhere overnight, it's dramatic.

Professor Snape's loud tapping took me out of the trance I was in, ranting to myself in my own mind I think I'm going crazy.

He slaps his wand against the chalkboard as a pointer, going through numerous amounts of information.

"Ms. Nott... would you like to repeat what I just said to the whole class?" Professor Snape asks, his loud voice echoing to the back of the classroom.

I freeze, "Uh— repeat what you said?"

He nods at me and I look at the board for an answer to see if it was something he wrote down.

Maggie had to be laughing at me in her head, I glance over at her, but she was as silent as a mouse.

Before I could open my mouth to speak, I was interrupted, "You said that we would get more into hands on work to defend ourselves from the dark arts later in the week."

I look over at Riddle who answered for me, Professor Snape looked aggravated, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"At least you listened, Mr. Riddle... class dismissed."

I pack up my things, being one of the last students out of the door, Professor Snape held me back with his words.

"Everyone is dismissed, except for you Ms. Nott."

I turn around, taking a few steps towards his desk, "I apologize that I was zoning out."

"I expect more from you, Ms. Nott. You're my straight A student." He spoke.

"I've got it. I've just been going through personal problems, but I'll get back to it."

"Good. You're dismissed." He nods.


"Hello." Hermione sits down next to me, sitting her tray of food down next to mine.

Maggie wasn't at dinner, which I knew she wouldn't be, she avoids drama.

"Hi." I respond dryly, looking down at my food.

"What's the matter with you?" Ron asks, drooling at the sight of the chicken on my plate.

"Ron you already ate your chicken. Stop trying to take someone else's." Hermione tells him.

"I wasn't! I was just asking what's the matter!" He defends himself and I push my plate towards him, he smiles and takes the chicken from it.

"You didn't have to do that." Hermione puts her hand on my shoulder with a laugh.

"It's fine." I mumbled.

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