43 | Forbidden

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warning ; violence

The coldness I felt awakens me, turning my head to see that I was now alone in the bed.

"Mattheo?" I called out, sitting up and rubbing my eyes, looking around at the darkened room.


I jump out of the bed, realizing the sound was coming from the bathroom, I stride over to the closed door and knock.

When he doesn't answer, I turn the knob and push open the door coming to my surprise that it was unlocked.

My eyes widen, the mirror is shattered and his hands are cut up and bloody, "Merlin Mattheo... what happened?"

"What does it fucking look like?" He snapped at me, looking down, his knuckles turning white from how tight his grip was as he held onto the sides of the sink.

My palm flattens on his bicep, "What's wrong?"

"Don't touch me." He shrugs my hand off. His breathing is ragged and his skin in boiling hot.

"Look at me. What the hell is going on with you?" I raised my voice, looking up at him with my hand touching his.

"I said don't fucking touch me!" He yells in my face, pushing my shoulders back making me stumble a bit.

"Bloody hell— what is wrong with you Mattheo?!" I yelled back at him, my frustration rising by the minute.

"We can't— I can't do this. Whatever the hell we are doing is over."

"Are you damn bipolar? Last night you did nothing but want to put your hands on me. Now you're pushing me away without any reason?" I was fuming.

"You want a reason? Fine. I don't fucking want you. I don't want anything to do with you. You are nothing to me and that's all you'll ever be. Stop trying to push yourself onto me because you look damn pathetic." He screamed at me.

My hand meets his cheek and I don't regret anything. He looks to the side with his jaw clenched, slowly looking back at me.

Tears form in my eyes, he was actually making me cry and I hated this effect he had on me.

"I let you touch me. I let you in. And you act like this... do you know how that makes me feel?" I sniffled, burning my eyes into his harshly.

"Frankly Evelyn, I don't fucking care how it makes you feel. You're pathetic, worthless, meaningless even." He shrugged, the blood from his hands dripping onto the floor.

"I hope you enjoyed last night. Because that was the last time you'll ever touch me again."

"Look at you. Crying over me because I hurt your feelings, grow the hell up." He chuckled.

"You're cold blooded, you're nothing! If you think pushing people away makes you look stronger you're wrong."

"Unlike you, your words don't mean anything to me. I don't care about you. So go ahead, leave and tell your meaningless friends about how I hurt your feelings." He spat, pushing me back once more.

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