46 | Blonde Headed Ferret

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"Just stay behind me and you'll be fine." Draco reassures, chomping on a green apple.

"I'm not following you around the whole night like your little pet." I snatch the apple from his hand, taking a bite of it, surely not giving it back.

"What if I had some sort of disease and it passes onto you because you ate after me?" He questions sarcastically trying to work me up.

"I'll probably catch rabies from you, ferret." I snapped back, causing him to glare at me.

"Watch your mouth. You're in my territory darling." He snarled, his hand touching my shoulder.

I shrug his hand off, "Don't touch me you oaf."

"You're very rude for a Gryffindor." He tsks, "And you're very stupid for a Slytherin." I respond.

"Fuck off Gryffindork. And go get changed already, the guests should be here any minute." He pushes me with one hand towards the stairs.

"Nice one Draco. You really offended me with Gryffindork." I roll my eyes, heading up the steps.

"Shut up and go hurry. Try to look at least half decent, I know that's hard for you." He yells from downstairs.

"Draco!" I hear his Mother yell at him for his rude behavior, making me grin to myself.

Rushing, I pull out a simple black dress from my suitcase, short and sweet.

Slipping it on along with my black heels to match that I'd be dreading having to wear all night, I make my way back downstairs.

"About damn time." Draco huffed, his eyes observing me as I walk toward him.

"Do you ever shut up?" I whisper, his parents meeting us at the door.

"Stop fucking arguing like children." Theodore nudges Draco's arm.

About time he decides to say something to that green apple eating ferret.

Narcissa opens the door, inviting in the Lestrange family along with the Rosier's, Rookwood and Jugson.

My eyes pop out of my head, facing Bellatrix Lestrange. Is she not supposed to be in Azkaban or am I missing a lot here?

I don't ask any questions. But this women was something else, I mean look at her. Known for using unforgivable curses and all around terrifying.

I grab Draco's hand in nervousness, I'm really going to regret this later...

He looks down at my hand on his and back up at me but doesn't say a word.

"You must be... Evange— Evelyn. Evelyn Nott I presume?" She stammered, her wicked voice making me squeeze Draco's hand tightly.

"Yes, Madam Lestrange." I answer, giving her a small smile.

She flashes her crooked teeth at me, "Such a pretty little face you have... what a shame." She swipes her nail against my cheek, sharp enough to draw a line of blood.

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