70 | Don't Break My Heart

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My body shakes from the overwhelming pain. I thought it wasn't going to end, I closed my eyes to prevent the tears, I kept my mouth shut, and I took in the pain.

"Let her fucking go! You coward!" I heard Theodore's voice from across the room, he couldn't get to me when there was four death eaters holding him back.

He couldn't save me this time.

I hear rumbling, my eyes open only for a second. I saw the brunette boy charge at the death eaters, and throwing spells around like nothing.

Then everything was silent. And I saw nothing but darkness.

"I don't give a shit about your excuses. My sister could've been dead today because of you."

Theodore's voice is faint, but I could still manage to hear every word.

"You would've have escaped if it wasn't for me." There was another voice, a familiar one.

"We wouldn't have come if it wasn't for you in the first place! You just couldn't stay away?" Theodore snapped back.

My eyes open. I'm confused when I see the ceiling above me, I was in the comfort of my own bed. I was back at Hogwarts.

How did we escape?

I slowly sit up, wincing at the pain that courses through my entire body.

"Hey hey, just lay back down. You're feeling alright? Need anything? Water? Food?" Theodore rushes over to me, a bit blurry at first.

"I'm... okay," I said slowly, my voice raspy and my throat sore.

In the corner of my room stood Mattheo. A worries but stern look on his face. He was wearing the same clothes when I saw him last, dried blood on his face too.

Theodore realizes that I'm looking at him. "I don't think you should." He whispered.

"Theodore him and I need to talk... please. It'll only be a few minutes." I tell him, he sighs but nods, turning around and leaving the room.

Mattheo and I were now alone. I use the only strength I had left to stand and make my way to him, because he didn't make an effort to get to me.

We were closer now. I reach my hand out to touch him but he rejects it, stepping back.

My heart hurts again and I cross my arms to my chest. "Why are you acting like this?"

"I'm sorry that I thought this would work," He finally speaks to me, I search his face for any answers. But I could never read him.


"You're not safe around me. Today Evelyn... you were tortured by my Father because of me. I can't let you... get hurt anymore." He explained.

"That was your Father not you. Don't say that, Mattheo I came there for you."

He shakes his head.

"What happened to you? You're bruised and you're... not okay. Please let me help—" I raise my hand once again to touch him.

He grabs my hand harshly and yanked it away, "I don't need your help."

"Why won't you let me touch you?"

I can feel my heart breaking by the second.

"It doesn't matter. Evelyn, this will continue as long as your with me. I don't care what happens to me, I care what happens to you because of me. I can't— it's over."

"You're breaking up with me?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and hurt.

"I knew it would never work. Stop living in a fairy tail Evelyn. You and I... aren't... worth it." His words are like a knife in the gut.

"I'm not worth it? Is that what you're saying? Because you were pretty fucking worth it to me. I love you Mattheo and I don't agree with you ending this because of your Father." I yelled at him, he looks taken back.

"You don't love me." He looks down, holding in a breath.

"I thought you could read minds. You know that I love you, we can make it work. Please don't throw this away Mattheo." I finally grab his hand in mine, interlocking our fingers.

"I'm not right for you. You'll only get hurt." He spoke quietly.

"When something goes wrong you always push me away and try to make me hate you because it's easier for you. I'm not doing that anymore. You can't push me away... I'm here. I'm here for you, and I want you and only you. I don't care if there's risks that go with it. It'll always be you. Mattheo I could never feel this way about someone else. It's always been you." My hand reaches up to his face, cupping his cheek to make him look at me.

"I can't let you get hurt because of me. I could barely stand it today. I'm not what you think. Evelyn I would've killed every single person at the Manor if it wasn't for your brother. You make me crazy. I would sacrifice the whole world for you. I'm selfish, but I can't let you run after me. You're not like me."

"You're not a monster for protecting someone you love. I'm telling you that I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. I'm yours." Our foreheads lean against one another, we were so close that I could hear his rigged breaths.

"If I didn't get to you in time you would've been gone and it would've been my fault." He whispered, I could hear the change in his voice.

I look at him, his eyes were glossy, I've never seen him show so much emotion, he looked as if he was going to cry.

"You don't have to bottle up your emotions Mattheo. I'm here, I'll listen." I pull him to me, wrapping my arms around him tightly.

He slowly hugged me back, his head buried in my neck. My hand comes up and holds the back of his head, my nails gently running through his hair.

"It's okay. We'll make it work, everything will be okay." I whispered. He was silent but I knew he was listening to me as his arms were tighter around me.

He was scared to let go.




hope you enjoyed <3

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