55 | Episkey

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I woke up to the warmth coursing through my body, my eyes slowly open, the familiar scent filling my senses.

I then realize, I had my arms wrapped around Mattheo Riddle's neck, practically laying on top of him and our legs intertwined.

The sheets didn't cover us as they were at the end of our feet. My palm lays flat on his abdomen as my other arm was leaning on his firm chest.

I didn't remember much from last night, only that I somehow ended here, and the truth that I was dreading to speak about.

I look at him, our faces dangerously close. He was still asleep, and I thought to myself, how could he be comfortable with another human being laying on top of him?

I didn't want to leave this bed. I really didn't want to have to face the massive problem in the back of my mind.

"Mattheo?" I whispered, my thumb brushing the side of his cheekbone, just enough to watch his eyes flutter open.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"I'm sorry for... sleeping on you...?" My voice gets quieter as I speak, partially from embarrassment.

"Don't be stupid. You know that I don't care if you sleep here."

I smiled softly at his words, being here with him took the bad thoughts away from my mind.

Taking it into my own hands, I lean in and meet my lips with his, he was surprised at first, but he kissed me back, his hand reaching my hair.

I sit up so I was now straddling him. My legs on both sides of his, deepening the kiss.

He pulled away to likely say something, but I didn't want to talk. I grabbed his jaw with my hand and kissed him once more.

He sits up, his other hand on my waist, slowly and hesitantly pulling me closer to him.

Before anything got too much, he forced himself to pull away, "We can't."

"Why?" I ask, eyebrows furrowed.

"Because you have a lot of things on your mind. You're looking for a distraction, and I won't be a distraction for you. You have to face the truth."

"Fine," I lift myself off of him and stand from the bed, "Maybe Cedric will."

I watch his jaw clench, "You think you're funny?"

"Yes, but I am being serious." I shrugged, I felt as if I was putting on a mask with a smile, so no one knew what was really happening in the back of my mind.

He grabs onto my arm tightly, making me let out a gasp, and once again our faces are dangerously close... "You may be able to convince everyone else in this school that you're fine, and you can put on a little show to make it seem like you're perfect. But in reality, I know you're hurting, and I know you just don't want to face the truth so you're pushing it aside. Grow the fuck up."

I take my arm out of his harsh grip, letting it drop back to my side, "Easy for you to say. You grew up knowing exactly who the hell your Father was."

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