59 | Walk Away

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I pull my hand away from his. His eyebrows furrow as he gives me a harsh glance.

"I can't accept your apology." I clear my throat. He doesn't like that answer and I could tell my the expression on his face.

"You asked me for one and now you're saying you can't accept it? What kind of game are you playing here?" He scoffed, running his fingers through his dark colored hair.

"I'm not playing any game. It's the fact that I... I can't trust you, nor anything you say," I shrugged, and his hands tighten by his sides.

He crossed his arms and leans back into the bookshelf. "This is bullshit."

"My feelings aren't bullshit Mattheo. I feel something for you, I'm confessing that to you, and I have been over and over again and you don't see it. You aren't like everyone else, you don't want relationships you don't want emotions involved or any straights attached. I get that. And I tried to do that, I tried to make that work, but I'm not like you and I can't do that. I want a relationship where people can publicly see that I'm with someone, but I can't have that with you."

"What are you saying?" He leans forward off of the bookshelves, taking a few steps towards me.

"I'm saying that I can't do this anymore. Whatever you and I are, I can't do it. You're hurtful, you hurt people, you hurt me. You can't express your emotions without hurting someone's feelings. It's just what you do, and I know no one can change that. Half of the time I can't even keep up with which side of you I'm going to get, the one who's goal is to hurt anyone in their path, or the one who can be caring."

I could almost cry, but I didn't want to show that emotion to him. Especially not now.

His hand places on my shoulder, "Listen," He starts, "Evelyn I can't be the person you want me to be. I'm not like Diggory and if you can't accept that, then fuck off."

"This is what I'm taking about. You don't like what you hear so you push me away and put on this cold act to make it seem like you don't care about anything. I don't get it, is there something your afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid of anything." He retorts, removing his hand from shoulder and letting it rest back down to his side.

"You can't put your ego aside for anything. That's why this won't work." I huffed, about to say something else but he doesn't let me.

"Fuck this. Fuck you." He turns around to leave, and I choose my next words carefully.

"If you walk away then whatever we are doing is over, Mattheo. No more showing up out of nowhere to talk, no more kissing me because you want to or staying in your dorm for nights straight. No more."

He stops his feet from walking, but he doesn't turn around. For a moment, I thought my words had finally got through him.

"Then it's over."

And with that, he walks away, leaving me alone between the two dark bookshelves.

We weren't together, but we shared kisses like a couple would, and I slept in his dorm, in his bed like a couple would. This feels like a breakup.

I feel my heart sink. But I don't let it effect me beyond that. I take a deep breath and head back to the group.


"I want you to tell me about Gellert Grindelwald." I stand before the elder man, he looks at me stunned with his eyebrows raised.

"I knew this day would come that you would find out, Ms. Nott. I just can't seem to wrap my head around, how did you find this out?" Professor Dumbledore questioned.

Gulping before I spoke, "Mattheo Riddle, sir."

"It has come to my attention that Mr. Riddle... has been causing difficulties to the students in the school? Including yourself?"

"He's not what I came to talk to you about, sir." I change the subject, I didn't want or need to speak about the one practically said he doesn't want anything to do with me.

"I see. He doesn't remind me much of his Father, though. He is very different." He continued, as we are still on the Mattheo subject.

"How come?" Now I was curious, partly because I was too afraid to learn the truth about my real Father, Gellert Grindelwald.

"Mr. Riddle has his Father's intelligence. Incredibly smart, straight A's, best in his classes. Much like yourself. But his Father was... quiet, sneaky, he didn't like to make a scene, he did things in a process... while Mr. Riddle, as I'm sure you know, he likes to cause scenes. Fights, using the unforgivable curses on students I've heard, from your very own brother, well now that you know, Theodore Nott."

Theodore told Professor Dumbledore?

"What will happen to him?" I ask.

"I've been communicating with higher authorities. The only proper thing to do is to send Mr. Riddle to Azkaban for a life sentence."

"But his Father—"

"The Dark Lord... unfortunately has no intention of saving his son from going to Azkaban. The two of them don't get along, they are more like acquaintances than Father and Son." Professor interrupts.

That's horrible.

"To put away Mr. Riddle for good, I need you to test against him. You are one of his victims as he used the Cruciatus Curse on you. That is why I'm explaining this to you." He speaks sternly.

Testify against him? Even if I did, I wouldn't be able to look him in the eye after he gets arrested. He'd think I would have betrayed him.

"There's no one else you can ask to do this, sir?"

"No one else I have solid proof for." He answers truthfully, "This must be difficult for you, but he will cause nothing but harm, I must ask you do know that, correct?"

And then I thought, all the harm he has caused me, the violence, pain, marks that will forever stay with me, am I going to do this?

"Can I think about this?" I question, clearing my throat.

"Of course, now take a seat, I'll tell you about your Father, Gerret Grindelwald."




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