09 | The After Party

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"You ready yet?" Theodore asks from the other side of the door.

Maggie flings the door open, revealing the two of us to my brother.

"Damn Maggie, you look good." He raises his brows and I point a finger in his face, "If I can't talk to your friends you can't talk to mine."

He rolls his eyes at me, Maggie and I following him to the Slytherin common room.

Maggie was one of the girls who'd dress all up for anything that was close to an event.

She wore a shorter dark red dress with a v line cut but not enough for any cleavage to show.

Her dress matched her red lipstick she had put on, some called her extra, but she always looked good no matter what she did.

I on the other hand, wore a plain black dress, it was short like Maggie's but no v line cut.

My hair was down, and Maggie had spelled it curled, but we didn't have time for anything else after being rushed by Theodore.

I was excited to go, but one thing bothered me, and that was the fear of facing Lorenzo.

I haven't spoken to him since everything that happened, and he hasn't made the effort to speak to me either.

"Welcome to the common room ladies. Evelyn you know the rules, don't flirt with my friends." Theodore gives me the 'stink eye'.

"If I remember correctly, it's always your friends that are coming up to me and flirting." I reply.

"I don't care, you know what, just every Slytherin guy is off limits for you. If you want a boyfriend date the Hufflepuff." He gives me a playful smile.

"Okay, and no Gryffindor girls for you then." I raise an eyebrow and he pours, "Gryffindor girls are hot though."

"Okay you two argue like you're first years. Ev, let's go have fun." She pulls me past Theodore, and he signals me a 'I'm watching you' gesture.

Protective older brothers are something different.

"No way, there's fire whiskey here!" Maggie's jaw dropped, "I bet Draco is the supplier for that." I laughed.

"Don't mind if I do." Maggie smirked, taking a cup and filling it to the brisk of the top.

"Your eyes are popping out of your head, let loose a bit Ev, it's a party not a study hall." She says.

"Sometimes I'm surprised you're a Gryffindor." She laughs at my comment.

"You getting a drink?" The voice makes me freeze in place, catching back my confidence, I turn slowly and face Lorenzo.

"No. You can go ahead." I move out of the way, looking down at the ground to avoid eye contact.

"Evelyn you look good tonight, I'm glad you came, I know you're here for Theodore and not me but it's just good to see you." He speaks.

"Thanks." I mutter, I didn't have much to say, he really hurt me that night and it was awkward now.

"Listen... I really want what we had back, I miss you. I miss being with you." He tells me.

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