69 | Breakout

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The black ink on my arm creates a stinging pain, causing me to curse under my breath while holding my arm.

Death eaters, they were coming.

I stand against the bars of my cell, the black smoke surrounds Azkaban, only for a moment I was wondering what was happening.

Suddenly, I was thrown back against the hard stone wall, covering my head and face with my hands as the bricks explode, and the black smoke eventually disappears.

I find the light and I hear the siren of the alarms ring. I had to be quick about this.

I stayed hidden from the dementors, this place crawled with them. With the death eaters help, I had made it out alive.

But it all led back to one place.

The Malfoy Manor, where my Father was now expecting me, he wouldn't have ordered his minions to break me out for no reason.

"Ah. Yes my son, come." I hear the echoes of my Father's voice from the end of the long table, I take a few steps closer until I was facing him.

"One month in Azkaban? Sounds a little... unlikely of you, don't you think?" He whispered.

I was quiet.

"Usually it would be no longer than two days. You'd break yourself out. What happened?" He questions, signaling me to sit down in the chair next to him.

"It was crawling with dementors around me. They would've known if I tried to escape." I lie.

"I want you to remember that you can read minds because I can read minds. Why don't you tell me the truth, my son?" He laughed dryly, but secretly he didn't have patience left.

And then I feel him searching my mind once more, so I push her out of my mind like she doesn't exist.

So he can't find her in my thoughts. I can't let him know about her, about us.

My heart starts to pound. He's using his full power to dig inside of my mind to find anything useful. After all these years, I wasn't strong enough to reject him from my mind.

I collapsed down to the ground, my knees giving out on me and catching myself with my hands. His power drained every part of me.

"This is about the daughter of Grindelwald?" He questions, but by the tone of his voice... he already knew the answer.

I can barely get out a word. The pain radiating throughout my head eventually ran through my whole body too. It began to feel like torture.

"Answer the question and the pain will stop." My Father's voice echoes through my ringing ears.

"No. It's not about the girl."

The pain stopped. "No? It's not about the girl? It's not about my son falling in.... love with some pathetic girl that I'll destroy in the end?!"

"I didn't fall in love. Who do you think I am? Fucking Cupid?" I respond with just as much poison in my voice.

He laughed coldly, "You can hide your fear with your humor son. But I know, you're not strong. Only a fool falls in love. You're weak."

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