34 | Done Trying

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"Please tell me he's lying Evelyn." Cedric pleads, after dropping the bomb on me, Riddle had told him every last detail that I hadn't.


"Please tell me he's lying." He interrupted, I felt horrible for making him feel this way.

"I— I did. I went to his dorm one night and I kissed him first. He was right, but you and I weren't together or anything I promise, the kiss was a mistake." I answer truthfully.

I feel like I broke his heart, by the look in his eyes he was so disappointed, "Why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't think of it. I didn't know how to say anything about it, I only want you Cedric, I can't even imagine myself being with someone like Riddle, please believe me."

"I've tried to believe you. But you lie to me about everything! I got the truth from a damn sociopath that I hate Evelyn!" He shouted at me.

"I know. I should've told you." I say, my heart full with guilt, I had to be the worst girlfriend ever.

"Maybe you were right, you don't deserve me. I've done everything for you, I even told you I loved you and you haven't bothered to even acknowledge it. I'm done trying."

My mouth was agape but no words fall out, I could only feel the tears clouding my vision.

"Cedric please don't, you don't have to do this." I come closer to him.

"I don't? Fine, then answer this one question..."

"Do you love me?" He asked, demanding a yes or no answer, nothing less.

My body felt like it was giving up on me, my head felt dizzy and I couldn't move.

Do I love Cedric Diggory?

He's been my best friend for years, just now we had finally became a couple, he's caring and so talented, he would do anything for me if I asked, I did love him, but I loved him as my best friend, not as my lover.

"I love you, but not in the way you think." I tell him, quiet enough that he could barely hear.

And with that, he left. He didn't bother to say another word, he just left and slammed the door behind him.

He broke up with me, he told me he was done.


"How could you!" I yelled, pushing him back over and over again.

"Stop pushing me," He warned, but I was so angry I couldn't process any thoughts but to keep pushing him.

He grabbed both of my wrists to prevent anymore of my frustration against him, I looked at him with the tears streaming down my face uncontrollably, so angry I couldn't think straight.

"You told him everything," I shouted, "I was going to tell him all of it when it was a good time, but no, you had to ruin it all!"

"It's not my fucking fault that you didn't love him Nott!" He screamed over my voice, taking me by surprise and shooting me back to reality.

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