26 | The Argument

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I open my glossy eyes, the sun shines in my face through his dark curtains.

I slept in his room, in his bed, I turn over, surprised that he was still here.

The alcohol must have took a beating on him, he was still out cold. He was a very quiet sleeper, I could barely hear him breathe.

His arm was still around my waist, while he laid on his bare stomach and the sheets were down to our intertwined legs.

Our faces were now inches apart, I observe his every feature, was this weird?

He looked more human and less cold when he was asleep, he looked innocent.

His curls fell just over his eyebrows, I notice a few scars on his back, taking the shape of a X.

I look at the clock above his window, reading 11am, where did the time go?

I quietly and very slowly get out of his bed without moving his arm or trying to wake him up.

As I was about to open the door, I hear ruffling behind, I turn around to see him still laying on his stomach, but his eyes were now opened.

"Time?" He spoke, his voice was raspy and he held his head in his hand, likely from a hangover.

"It's eleven." I answered.

"Shit," I hear him mumble under his breath, sitting up and collecting his shirt from the ground.

"We didn't uh.. do anything by the way."

"I remember what happened, Nott." He rasped.

The regret and guilt of staying with him last night starts, "Okay, I should go then, see you around."

"Nott, wait." He interrupts, taking my hand.

"Hm?" I hummed, hoping that maybe he'd think this was anything but a mistake.

"You don't think this means anything right?" He asked, his brown eyes meet my blue ones.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"You don't think that because you slept here we are something... because we aren't." He reassured me.

"No no, of course not." I softly grin.

Yes I did think that meant something, I mean he wanted me to stay, and then he preceded to literally hug me and then sleep with his hands all over me, so yes I did think something into it.

I guess that's my fault for thinking something as nice as last night would last.

"Great." He grinned back, I open his door and leave sneakily without my brother seeing me.

Gratefully he wasn't there, and I make it back to my dorm where I had a surprise to walk into.

"Where the hell were you?!" Maggie yells, scaring me half to death when I came in.

"Let me explain—"

"Evelyn you scared us. You told me you were getting fresh air, not leaving all night." Hermione interrupts.

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