49 | The Invitation

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Christmas wasn't much, we had dinner and desserts and then the night came to an end.

"You're okay?" Theodore murmured, throwing a blanket over my shoulders to keep me warm.

"Yeah." I clear my throat, from afar, the owl flying toward the open window catches my eye.

The owl flies in the window, dropping a envelope into my hands, "What's that?" Theodore questions, turning around and stepping towards me.

I rip open the envelope and put it to the side, unfolding the piece of parchment paper, my eyes reading the cursive letters.

Dear Evelyn and Theodore Nott,

Merry late Christmas, apologizes for not sending yesterday. To my best friend and my beloved boyfriend! I love you both. I have invited Hermione, Harry and Ron to Three Broomsticks the day before new years. I thought it would be fun to be together for midnight so I could have my new years kiss because I will kill your brother if I don't. You could invite the ferret, Blaise, and anyone else you'd like. Please come, we miss you! Lots of love, Maggie and Luna Lovegood.

"So we're going I suppose." Theodore chuckled, changing his tie from black to navy blue.

"If you want to. I mean Maggie is threatening you to give her that new years kiss." I smiled softly, brushing through my wavy hair.

"Are you jealous that you don't have one?" He smirks to himself. "Have what?" I question.

"New Years kiss."

"I could care less, Theodore. Honestly, why would I care about a New Year's kiss." I scoffed, slamming the brush down on the table.

"No need to get so defensive about it." He shrugged, "I guess I'll let Draco know about it."

"Before you do, what was up with you last night?" I ask, sitting down on the bed and waiting for him to answer me.

He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, "Rough night." His voice is quiet and I look at his hands that were trembling, his knuckles turning white from his grip on the arms of the chair.

"Are you going to tell me why or are you going to continue to strangle the life out of that chair?"

He notices and slowly lets go of arms of the chair, folding his hands into his lap and then clearing his throat, "None of your business Evelyn, leave it alone."

I get up off the bed, leaving his room without another word, I'm not arguing with him because he has a bad attitude.

"You alright?" I meet Draco's eyes, I watch him bite into an apple, the smell of his strong cologne overwhelming me.

"Fine." I nod a little too fast.

"Sure?" He asked, the juice from the apple splattering over his lips and the crevices on his mouth.

"Yes," I answered. "Would you like to go with Theodore and I to The Three Broomsticks for the day before New Years?"

"Are you asking me for a New Year's kiss?" He quirks a brow.

"Absolutely not. You're gross." My lips turn into a scowl as my face wrinkles in disgust.

"Mm. Yes I'll go, only because I'm not spending the last day of winter break with my parents and the house elf." He says, I could practically see the fright in his eyes just by standing here alone because he would be so bored.

I nod. "By the way, I wouldn't go in there right now. He's having a hissy fit." I warn him, referring to Theodore's room.

"Yeah he has a lot of those." He chuckled lowly, opening the door to Theodore's room and I scurry away so he didn't see me.

I didn't know what to do with myself in this cold and dark ginormous manor. It surrounded with big fancy chandeliers with white lighting, and rooms with not enough decor for the amount of space they held.

I head outside, exploring. The outside of the manor had gardens surrounding it, and a great fountain by the front.

The manor stood tall and imposing, it's dark stone walls rising up to the sky. The air around it was cold and still, as if the very atmosphere was frozen in time. Despite the age of the manor, it was grand, fancy, beautiful even with it's intricate carvings and ornate details adorning it's exterior.

As I walk back to the Manor, I approach the entrance, being greeted with a massive wooden door, the surface of it etched with intricate patterns and different designs no one has seen before, original at most.

The door creeks ominously as it swings open, letting a huge gust of air follow behind it and hitting me in the face, revealing the dark foyer that was just as cold as the outside during a winter storm.

The floors were made of polished marble, their surface reflecting the light from the great chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, the floors showing my reflection in them and the candles that lined the walls which I was amazed by.

Even though the manor was grandeur. There was an eerie feeling that intoxicated the air, the silence was deafening, broken only by the occasional creaking of the floorboards which would echo through the halls because of the quietness spread throughout the manor.

As I explored throughout the manor, I found myself through endless halls and rooms that I didn't have any idea the meaning of them.

Each room more grand than the last. The furniture was antique, as Draco's Mother was a big fan of antiquing and purchasing rare finds.

Besides the cold and darkness of the manor, there was also a certain charm I felt when I entered it. A place that has been in the Malfoy's family for quite some time.

The manor was intimidating and fascinating both at the same time, a true beauty to the eye.

"Is there anything I can help you with, Ms. Nott?"

I look down at the shriveled old house elf, holding a rag in one hand and a sink brush in the other.

"No thank you, sir." I respond with a soft smile, "Do you need any help with cleaning up?"

"Sir... no one has ever called me that before." He repeats the name I gave to him, rubbing his chin in confusion.

"I'd be happy to help you with cleaning up." I retort to the older elf that stood below me as he was a lot shorter than I was.

"I'm not sure you're allowed. It's okay, Ms. Nott. This is my duty to complete." He forms a smile with his wrinkled lips.

"Nonsense. May you lead me to the kitchen? I could help with cleaning the counters and dishes." I insist, gently taking the rag from his hand he hands to me.

"You're very kind, Ms. Nott."


apologizes for the fill in chapters!! i just feel the need for more detail in the book!!!! next chapter will be the new years/mattheo's bday.

hope you guys enjoyed the double update!

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