12 | The Project

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"Advanced Potions Group Project"

Reading the top of the rubric, my face falls, I didn't like working with others, I either do all the work, or they help but slow me down.

"You'll be working with your table groups, please read over the rubric while Ms. Granger hands out materials." Professor Slughorn announced.

Great I have to work with two idiots plus a sociopath.

Hermione hands out the materials for the project, while whispering to me, "I have to work with Malfoy." with a frown.

"As the directions say, all groups will be assigned a potion, you will make the potion, research on it by explaining what the potion does, the ingredients and the history behind it and lastly present it to the rest of the class." Professor explains.

Pointing to each table, he assigns a potion. When he gets to ours he looks through the lists in his hand, "Amortentia."

The love potion, it wasn't too easy but it wasn't the most difficult to research.

I notice Riddle roll his eyes at the fact we were researching about a love potion, just like the night he said he pity's my romance novel.

"Well I'll just finish the project in two days or so and I'll write your names on the rubric since I know you all won't do any work anyways." I huff, ruffling through my papers.

"Sounds good to me." Theodore smiles.

It was still awkward with Lorenzo, we didn't speak nor share a glance, and Lorenzo wasn't friends with Theodore anymore.

"How do I know you'll get us an A? I can do this easily, you're too fucking dense to understand." Riddle spoke up.

He's a asshole, with a capital A.

Without saying anything that would tip him off, I calmly speak, "Thanks for sharing your unnecessary opinion... what would you like to do then?"

"All of you, my dorm, seven tonight."

"Right... you're going to let us into your dorm?" I raise an eyebrow, he was acting weird.

"Perhaps. If you try to take anything you'll be dead before you even touch it." He grins.

"I can't tonight, I'm busy at seven." Lorenzo says.

"I didn't expect much from you Berkshire." Riddle replied, I tried to hide my smile at his comment.

Class is dismissed, Hermione and I walk together and she complained the whole time about working with Malfoy.

"I really hate this project, I'll be the only one doing work." She sighed.

"Do you see who I have to work with? I'm with my idiotic brother and an sociopath." I said.

"Yeah, I feel for you."

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, before I knew it dinner was over and Theodore was rushing me to leave.

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