41 | Sneaks And Secrets

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hope you guys enjoy this because it's a little wooooooo!

"It was embarrassing!" I facepalm, I was sure my fave was already colored red.

"I can't believe Theodore asked you such questions. He is very protective over you." Maggie spoke, popping the grapes into her mouth.

"He's very annoying." I correct.

"So you and Riddle?" Hermione speaks, leaning forward to talk to me over Maggie.

"We haven't talked about anything. Nor has he mentioned it, and I don't think he will. He isn't a relationship person." I answered, partly disappointed.

"I think you should give him two options. One, talk about being in a relationship. Or two, stop seeing each other. It's obvious the two of you are driving one another crazy, I see the way he looks at you in classes." Hermione suggested.

"How does he look at me?"

"I'm not sure how to put it. Almost like he's admiring you. As if he doesn't have that same 'I hate you' look on his face he gives everyone else." She explained.

I smile at her words, I've never noticed him look at me in class. Every time I glance at him he's looking down at his textbook.

"I'm going to head to Professor Flitwick's, he asked to meet with me before class. See you in charms, yeah?" I stand, taking my books from the table.

"See you there." Hermione nods.

Leaving the Great Hall, I make my way to Professor Flitwick's classroom, hoping this wouldn't be a lecture onto why I was late last week.

A gasp leaves my mouth, my hand being grabbed and pulled behind a wall and having my back pushed up against a pillar.

Every worry I had leaves once I see who it is.

"Mattheo stop scaring me like that! You seriously need to—" I was immediately cut off by his lips meeting mine.

He pulls away for a second, "Good morning." He whispered, his hands sliding down to the back of my thighs, his breath fanning my face, the things he does to me...

"I don't think we can keep sneaking around like this..." I whisper, he kisses me again, this time more aggressive.

"Why's that?" He mutters into my neck, placing kisses across my jawline.

"I think people are catching on. One person including Theodore, he's wondering why I'm barely at my dorm at night time." My breathing hitches, feeling him take away the sanity I have just by his lips.

"Simple. Because you're at mine." He answered, laying another kiss onto my lips.

Kissing back and then pulling away, "Yes, but he doesn't know that."

"When he catches on, he catches on. There's no stopping that, unless you want to stop this." He finally takes a step back from me.

Without a word, I take ahold of his tie and pull him against me, hearing him mutter, "That's what I thought."

His hand meets my neck, making me raise my head to give him better access as he places kisses all over my throat.

Preventing him from leaving any marks, I grab his jaw and press my lips against his, he fights for dominance with his tongue immediately winning, stealing every ounce of innocence I have, but then I thought if he could make me feel like this just by kissing, then what would it feel like if.... I shouldn't be thinking about that.

Each kiss I received from him was filled with dominance, possession, hunger even.

His eyes darken and fill with complete lust. I would never expect something as forbidden as this to happen between us.

His teeth latch onto my bottom lip as he releases and then intoxicates me once again with his lips, having small whimpers leave my mouth.

I've never seen him like this. Making me remember that I need to talk to him, and I hoped the kissing and sneaking around wasn't all he wanted from me.

I kiss him back with just as much confidence, confused when he tears our lips apart and grazing his lips against my ear slowly, "You like this don't you?"

"What?" My breath hitches, my palm flat on his broad chest, feeling the muscle through his thin white button down shirt.

"Sneaking around... keeping secrets from your brother, kissing in private. Tell me Evelyn." I could practically hear the smirk pained on his face in his voice.

A smile creeps onto my lips, "No. But I'm certain you do. I mean, look at you Mattheo. You can't keep your hands off of me, and you can't take your lips off of mine for more than a minute."

"Is that right?" He moves his head back to dart his eyes into mine, hands still placed onto my hips as he tightly squeezes.

Confidence sparked inside of me, "I think so."

"Mm." He hummed, his eyes dropping to my now lightly exposed cleavage that he had roughly been messing with a few minutes ago.

My hand reaches and comes in contact with his jaw, making his eyes snap back to mine, "My eyes are up here, not down there."

"Careful redhead, I don't react that well to people who like to talk back to me. Even if it's someone with a pretty little mouth like yourself."

"And what if a certain someone with a 'pretty little mouth' as you say, talks back to you?" I challenge, looking up at him innocently but I know I'm playing with fire.

His eyes burn into mine as he towers over me, his fingers gripping onto my hips so tight I swore he would leave marks. "I guess you'll have to find out tonight. I wouldn't want to be late to charms, again."

He takes one of his hands off my hip, swiping his finger over his lips and then into his mouth, "Mm, that cherry chapstick drives me crazy."

And then he lets go, walking away from me and leaving me completely breathless, as other students start to crowd the halls.

And there I was, standing there, my face flushed and I was frozen in place from everything that occurred.





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