35 | Detention

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I haven't talked to Cedric in almost three weeks, it was dreadful. Then I remembered Professor Slughorn's Christmas party was coming up, the one he asked me to accompany with him.

I looked at him in class but never had the strength to go over and speak to him, he kept a smile on his face as if nothing was bothering him.

My heart aches, seeing him so close with Hannah Abbott, but she deserves him. I didn't.

They would flirt and whisper across the room, and it hurt more seeing Cedric with a huge smile on his face when he saw her, and his eyes lit up when she entered the room, just how they used to when he saw me.

What I didn't realize was how much you really like and miss a person once their gone.

"You look like shit." Riddle looks at me, it was just us two at our table, Theodore was busy in detention from talking back to a Professor and Lorenzo... I had no idea.

"Sod off Riddle." I whispered sharply, certainly not in the mood to deal with his problem.

"Are you mad that Cedric is over you so easily? Look at them, you're precious Hufflepuff and some girl to replace you." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

Anger runs in my veins, he knew what he was doing, but he didn't stop there.

"I bet he already fucked her," He whispered, finally sending me off the edge.

"What the hell is your problem?" I yelled, smacking my hand down onto the table, everyone's heads snapped back towards me to see what was going on.

"Ms. Nott, what is the meaning of this?" Professor Flitwick faces everyone.

"Him! He just keeps—"

"I haven't done anything, perhaps you can't handle a simple conversation without yelling in my face." He interrupted.

"That isn't true. You knew what you were doing, why can't you just leave me alone?"

"Enough! Detention, both of you. I'm tired of the bickering." Professor Flitwick raises his voice over ours.

"I'll speak to you both after class. Now sit down Ms. Nott, and I don't want to hear a word from the two of you." He ordered, and I did as he said.

I glare at him, clenching onto my quill as tight as I could, I swear I felt as if I was on fire.

"I hate you." I mouthed, and he just had an evil smirk on his face.

When class dismissed, Riddle and I were held back, Cedric passed me while brushing his shoulder against mine roughly.

"What is the problem between you two? It's continuous and your bickering is starting to interrupt the whole classes learning." Professor Flitwick sits in front of us.

"My problem is him. He doesn't know how to close his big mouth." I snapped, my arms crossed to my chest.

"She has a bit of a short temper." Riddle shrugged and it took all of my strength not to elbow him in his side.

"Well. The both of you are excused from your next class while you sit in here, doing the work you missed because of your bickering. If you try to leave early, there will be consequences, the door will be spelled and you may leave when time is up." He explained, clicking his quill against the desk.

"Now sit down, at separate tables." He demanded, I take the table at the front, and Riddle takes the one in the back by the door.

Professor Flitwick places heavy textbooks on the tables, "Complete pages fifty though seventy three, when you're finished, put it on my desk, and then you can sweep the floors."

"I have business to attend. If there is any horseplay, I will be sure to make the consequences far more serious." He says, and with that, he shuts the door behind him and I watch the door enchant a white glow, meaning we now couldn't leave until a certain time.

"Can't accept the truth huh?" He spoke, and I ignore him, I didn't feed into his idiotic behavior.

"Don't ignore me Nott, you know I don't like that." He spoke again, angering me by the second.

"I don't care what you do or don't like!" I snapped back at him, not even daring to turn around to look at him.

"Don't be pissed at me when your boyfriend is already with another girl, I mean they are both Hufflepuff's, meant to be I guess." He chuckles.

"Ex boyfriend." I correct.

"My mistake, all you have to do is get with another guy and he'll come running back, he always does." He suggested but I shook my head no.

"I'm not like that. I'm not like you." I seethed, finally turning around to face him, glaring at him fiercely.

"Hilarious... but you're right. You're nothing like me, you're weak, pathetic, and I don't have breakdowns over relationships."

"I would never want to be like you, you're cruel and you're a damn lunatic." I degrade him, the anger running through me, realizing I broke my quill in half.

"Yeah? Well you kissed this fucking lunatic, more than once." He fretted, I could tell he was now aggravated.

"It was a mistake." I muttered very quietly.

I hear his voice closer, "What was that? Say it again to my face."

Now standing, I face him clearly without speaking a word and he wasn't very fond of that.

"I said... fucking say it to my face, tell me it was a mistake." He angrily spat, he was so close to me we now were breathing the same air.

When I still didn't say anything at all, I swore I could see his eyes darken, and in a flash I felt the air I breathed being taken away from me.

His hand on my neck, bringing me closer to his face and then shoving me back to the wall, "That's what I fucking thought."

His grip tightens and I grabbed onto his wrist trying to pry him off but it was no use, he was physically stronger than me.

He leans in close, whispering in my ear, "Next time, I won't let you go."

Then he released his grip and I hold my chest, grasping for air, breathing deeply.

I hate Mattheo Riddle.



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