20 | Feelings

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what everyone has been waiting for!!

"What is it this time, Nott?" The door opened, I faced his tall figure, blubbering at the thought for words.

When I don't say anything, he leans against the doorframe waiting for an answer, "If this is another meltdown, I won't hesitate to use an unforgivable curse on you so you'll stop talking."

I'm still silent, he stands straight aggravated, "I don't have all damn day Nott. What do you wa—"

"I really hate you for making me feel this way. Did you bewitch me? Because I hate you still." I angrily but finally spoke.

"Bewitch you? Do you really think I care that much about you to bewitch you?" He chuckled.

"Wipe that stupid smirk off your face Riddle. You know what I'm talking about."

"No, I don't think I do." He shrugged innocently.

"This can't happen— it shouldn't happen. I don't know what to do about it. You've got to be doing something because I would never think of you in this way."

"Think of me in what way?" He questions.

"You're doing it again!"

"Doing what again?" He raises a brow.

"You're messing with my mind! I couldn't be in a relationship with my best friend I've known forever because you have me hellbent!"

"I'm flattered that you think my actions determine your relationships, but I honestly couldn't give a damn about what you do." He responded.

"I hate you."

"The feeling is highly mutual."

We stand there silently for a few moments. I was fuming, he knew just how to make me mad.

"Is there anything else you need to accuse me about?" He speaks.

"You're very intoxicating." I reply.

"Thank you," He started, "It wasn't a compliment you high ego brat." I snapped.

"I'm losing my patience with you Nott. You're lucky you haven't woken up in the Hospital Wing yet." He threatened.

"I can't stand you either, just tell me what's going on okay?"

He angrily speaks back but I didn't care to listen, all I could think about right now was his lips and how it might feel to actually step in.

I observed him from head to toe, watching his mouth say mean words to insult me, but I didn't care enough to insult him back at the moment.

My head felt fuzzy, confused about what I wanted to do next.

And then it happened, I finally interrupted him, I acted first as I leaned into him and pressed our lips together.

I kissed him, and it felt good. My entire body felt as if it was on fire, in a good way, like this was meant to happen.

Following Mother's footsteps, I kissed Mattheo Riddle because I wanted to know how it felt, and just because I could do so.

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