37 | Kiss Me In The Rain

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It began to rain, but neither of us dared to move.

"I know what you're thinking about," He breathes, "And it isn't a good idea."

"Yeah well... I'm not the best at making good decisions." I respond.

Our hair and clothes were drenched, but our eyes never left one another's, being too sucked in the moment.

I could tell he was trying to hold himself back from doing whatever he wanted to do, and it was slipping away by the second.

"I want..." I started, looking at him intensely, "I want you to kiss me, Mattheo."

Those few words sent him off edge, before I could take another breath, I felt his lips onto mine.

He gripped my sides, digging his fingers into my waist, the sudden pain has me gasp into the kiss.

It's been so long since I've felt his lips on mine, and it was better than before, chills were sent down my spine and I felt like I was on cloud nine.

It was intense, his lips were so soft and experienced while the heat generated by the intensity of the kiss made me feel like I was engulfed in flames.

Deepening the kiss, I feel a rush of sensations throughout my body, a heightened sense of arousal and desire. I melted into the kiss, and I knew he felt this as much as I did.

When I know something is so wrong, I want to do it more. He provokes me to do things that I never thought I'd do before.

He lights this confidence inside of me I didn't know I had, feeling my stomach tingle at my thoughts.

"I'm a bad influence on you." He whispered into the kiss, but I could hear the amusement in his voice, as if he wanted it to be.

"I know." I whispered back, not letting him speak and pressing my lips to his again, it quickly turned into a heated make-out.

The rain made this even more intense, and I couldn't help but want him to fix the burning sensation in my stomach.

"Don't think about that." He pulled away, and I quickly realize what he meant.

"I don't know what I'm feeling." I admit, I've never felt like this toward Lorenzo or Cedric, and it was worse that I haven't done anything more than kissing, I was completely inexperienced.

"This is my limit with you, redhead." He stated.

"What?" I feel my heart sink the same way it did when I saw Cedric and Hannah together.

"You and I." He shakes his head, denying all possible feeling he has.

"Is there a reason you keep leading me on?" I asked, the hurt in my voice was heard.

"I'm not."

"Is there something wrong with me? You'd hook up with any girl in the school but when it comes to anything more than kissing with me you back off... and I'm not saying I want more with you I just don't get why." I ask.

"What do you want from me? To be your first? I'm not doing that. I don't commit, and I certainly don't do relationships. I'm not the person you are trying to make me be, I mess around and after a hookup, I act as if they never existed, there's your truth."

"Mattheo if you don't want anything to do with me then please just say that! Stop kissing me, stop protecting and standing up for me. Just please stop!" I yelled.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore than I have. Because trust me, I will ruin you." He admits.

"What does that even mean?! I'm so tired of this. I just need a yes I want something with you, or a no I don't want anything to do with you, why is it so difficult for you to tell me your feelings?"

"How can I tell you my feelings when I don't even know what the fuck I feel?" He yelled over me, watching him breathe intensely.

"How can you not know—"

"I don't know. I'm not supposed to feel— I don't feel. Look at who I come from, does it look like there's any feelings but hate?" He interrupts.

"Stop blaming everything on your psycho Father! You know your own feelings Mattheo. He doesn't live your life, make your own choices!"

"Yeah? So easy for you to fucking say. You don't even know the truth about your pathetic Father." He shouted, his words surprising me.

Out of reflexes, I immediately raised my hand to retaliate but he quickly grabbed my wrist before I could.

"You want to hit me? Is that what you fucking want? Then hit me!" He seethed, he was now scaring me, everything I felt just a minute ago was disappearing.

"No!" I pull my hand away from him, dropping it back to my side, "No? Where is all that confidence you had?"

When I don't answer him he seems to get angrier, "Fucking answer me!" He yelled.

"Mattheo you're scaring me." He said, the rain had finally stopped, realizing we were having it out in the middle of a storm outside of Hogwarts.

"Then answer me when I speak to you!"

"Answer me Evangeline! You pathetic liar!" Father yelled, nicking me across the cheek with his rough hand.

He raised his hand, and I go to cover my face, and when I didn't feel his hand, I was confused.

"You'll always be a pathetic, worthless, idiot of a child, Evangeline."

"Evelyn." I feel him touch my arm, snapping me out of my trance.

"What did you see?" He asks, acting worried and calm as if he wasn't just screaming at me a second ago.

"None of your business! Stay away from me you monster!" I angrily spat, reacting from the memories I just saw of my Father and everything Mattheo had did to me.

He didn't hold me back from leaving, and for a moment I felt horrible for what I said to him, I really think I hurt him.

I ran and ran inside, not stopping until I came in contact with my brother, feeling the familiar arms wrap around me.

"Did you see him again?" Theodore whispered.

I nod into his chest, hiding my tears.

"You're safe, I'm here."


well that went from cute to sad fast. mattheo and evelyns moment is over... SAD


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