73 | Red Tie

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"I can't believe Draco is throwing a party already..." Hermione scoffs.

"He's just distracting people with a good time. I'm sure he feels like shit that he couldn't help Evelyn." Theodore says, glancing over at me.

"Are you going? Supposedly all houses are invited to the Slytherin common room, which is awfully weird for Draco to do." Maggie asks me.

"I don't know... I should talk to Mattheo first." I look down at the ground, "Plus I don't have anything to really wear."

"Wear something hot. We could all use a break, this party could be the key to it." Maggie tells everyone.

"Listen if you give my sister something that reveals any body parts I will—"

"Theodore. Darling, I'm sure Mattheo can deal with guys who want to hit on Evelyn." Maggie interrupts him.

"Yeah well I don't exactly put my trust into him when it comes to her." Theodore said coldly, only giving me a need to retaliate.

"It was a mistake Theodore. He physically couldn't get up because of the pain he was in, but he still saved me okay? Just stop."

"Whatever happened to you and Cedric?" He asks, I scoff, how dare he ask me about my relationships.

"We're best friends." I answered.

"Really? You barely talk, barely catch a glance, fuck I haven't seen you two in the same room for months unless it for classes... doesn't sound like best friends to me."

"That's enough Theodore. It's none of your business." Maggie tells him.

I take the opportunity to leave the room, deep down I knew Theodore was right. Cedric and I haven't talked in forever.

Speaking of the angel, Cedric was right there, with some girl I didn't know.

Is it just me or does Merlin really want me to talk to him? Because as soon as he's being talked about there he is.

Fine fine fine. I'm forcing myself to go up there and talk to him.

He spots me walking towards him, he says bye to the girl he was talking with and jogs over to meet me halfway.

"Hi," I spoke awkwardly, he just flashes his teeth with a smile.

"Are you going to Draco's party?" I question, "All houses are apparently invited."

"Uhh, considering that Draco and I don't see eye to eye, probably not." He laughed dryly.

"Come on I want you to go. We haven't seen each other in so long." I pleaded.

He runs his fingers through his light brown hair, "Evelyn... don't you think it's a bit weird after not talking for months, now you're asking me to come to a party out of nowhere?"

I huffed, "You're right. I'm sorry I know we haven't talked. Things have just been crazy lately, but I wanted to reach out."

"I'll think about it. But if I were you I'd get back to your boyfriend over there waiting you, I definitely know that him and I don't see eye to eye." He pointed, I turn around and see Mattheo leaning against the stone wall by the castle, watching Cedric and I from a distance.

"Right... he won't be a problem though. Talk later, see you Ced." I hurriedly rush over to Mattheo who looked normal, too normal.

"Stalking me, are you?" I asked, as the two of us begin walking the corridors.

"On the contrary, Redhead. You are mine and it is a little skeptical to see my girlfriend with her ex boyfriend." He raises a brow.

"Wow, you don't trust me that much?"

"I trust you I don't trust him." He responds.

"Will you go to Draco's party with me?" I ask him, he shakes his head, "Definitely not."

"Why? There's going to be alcohol which you like... and me."

He chuckles, "I thought you wanted me to quit."

"I do. But you said there was nothing for you to quit for so I just accepted it. I love you the way you are... but it's still really bad for you."

"I haven't drank since Malfoy's Christmas event." He revealed to me and I smile.

"Mattheo that's great!" I go to cup his face in my hands, but before I could he moves them to his neck, I try to hide my frown, but oblige by wrapping my arms around his neck.

He still wouldn't let me touch his face.

"Will you come? For me?" I plead, his eyes lightly soften by my begging.

I smile, knowing I've got what I wanted.

He rolls his eyes, "Fine I'll go. But don't expect me to not have a drink, I quit smoking but that doesn't mean I've fully quit drinking."

"Yay thank you. Now just one more thing... let's go to my dorm so you can see my dresses." I pull him along, hearing him groan behind me in annoyance.


"How about this one?" I ask, coming out of the bathroom with a purple dress on, it was a flow dress with flowers on it.

"You remind me of McGonagall with that dress." He responds as he sat on my bed.

I sighed, "Thanks for the honesty."

We go through tons of dresses. All that him and I both didn't think looked good for this event.

Finally I try on the red dress I wasn't too comfortable with because it showed cleavage, it was short and very tight so the curves on my body were visible.

I step out of the bathroom and his eyes immediately light up at this dress.

"Can I get a three sixty view?" He asks and I laugh, doing a quick spin.

He stands, "This dress makes me want to rip it off you and take you in my room to do—"

I shush him, "But you don't think it's too revealing? Too short?"

"I don't care what you wear, whatever you feel comfortable in. I can fight. And I promise you I will punch anyone in the face if they dare to look at you. But you look beautiful Redhead."

My heart melts... "Do you have a red tie? Something tells me you look hot in red."




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