81 | Reputation

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I lean down to splash my face with the cold water, taking a minute to clear my mind and come back to the table acting like I wasn't aroused.

I hear the bathroom door open, not thinking anything of it. But then I hear the lock click.

I see Mattheo through the mirror and I instantly turn around. "This is the ladies restroom, perv."

"Your point?" He tilts his head to the side, taking a few steps forward.

"Mm. Where do I begin? Firstly, why the hell did you think it would be a good idea to try and touch me under the table while my friends and brother were sitting around us?!" I scolded him, he only rolls his eyes in response.

"Because as you said, it was under the table, no one could have seen." He answers without sarcasm lingering in his tone like usual.


"You didn't say stop, did you?" He asks, raising a brow. He has a point...

His hands meet my hips and he pins me back against the sink counter, his body trapping me from going anywhere, not that I was anyway.

I look up at him, waiting for him to speak, his eyes filling with complete lust.

"You're tense. Let me make you feel good, hm?" He insists, my breath hitches while my heart thumps in my chest.

He smirks at my silence, one of his hands releasing from my hip to snake around to the back of my neck, bringing my face closer to his.

He leans his head by my ear, whispering, "You'll have to stay quiet, I don't plan on using the Muffliato spell." Then he places a kiss on my jawline.

"Mattheo... not here." My voice is quiet as I claw into his shoulder and tilt my head back so he had more access to my neck.

"We're— we're supposed to be... looking for— Mattheo..." I whimper as he sucks the skin on my neck to create marks.

He pulls his lips away from my neck to look at me, he chuckles, "Look at you..." His thumb dragging down my bottom lip.

"You fall apart just by my touch." He speaks with amusement in his tone, moving his hand to the back of my head, grasping a handful of hair and pulling on it to make my head fall back.

I hiss at the slight pain, he stands in front of me with a smirk on his face before leaning in and finally pressing our lips together.

He nips down on my bottom lip, making me grunt and giving him a chance to slip his tongue inside of my mouth.

He tilts my head back farther to deepen the kiss, worried that someone could catch us or our friends would come looking for us.

He rips his lips away from mine to look at me, our faces are so close together as we practically breathe the same air.

Mattheo's hands reach the back of my thighs, suddenly lifting me up, I hook my ankles around his waist while he sets me down on the sink counter.

"You're so beautiful." His hand comes up and moves my hair behind my ear so it wasn't in my face.

I smile at him, he never really compliments me or anyone in that fact.

My hand cups his face, my thumb grazing over his scar just above his eyebrow.

"I love these." I focus on the scar, he looks at me confused, "Scars?"

"Mhm," I hummed.

He raised a brow before smirking, taking me by surprise when he makes his lips back to my neck, he really can't wait.

"Mattheo!" I squeal, my hand holding the back of his neck, "We can't do this here..."

He pulls his head back to frown at me and then releasing his hands from my body, "Whatever you want."

I scoff and roll my eyes at him, grabbing his hands and forcing them to come back to my waist. He didn't have to be less touchy, just no... more than that in public.

"You know what I mean." I look at him, "Let's go back. I don't want to miss anything."



"Why are you following me?" Evan's footstep tracks stop as he appears in front of us.

"We need to know about Grindelwald." Harry speaks, looking at the man.

"I've told you all the information I know. Listen kid," He turns to me, "I don't know your Mother, I don't care for your Father, and I certainly have no interest in you. Leave me out of it!" Evan spat out at us.

Ron scowls, "Say it don't spray it..."

Theodore steps up into the mans face daringly, "Tell me who knows where Grindelwald is."

"I remember you. Last time I tried to speak about that you threw me out because you stated I was crazy, hm?"

"I don't care what happened then—"

"That's enough. If you keep following me, there will be consequences, you understand me children? And just because you're children doesn't mean you get child consequences... I'm talking about..." He brings his hand up to his throat and pretends to slit his own throat.

Hermione gasps and takes a few steps back from the strange man, as we all follow.

Mattheo walks around from the corner, "You fucking threatened to kill her?"

"Mattheo is isn't necessary—"

It was too late for me to even say anything. Mattheo was taller than Evan, having an advantage has he snatched his throat, leaning in close to his face, "I will kill you, and your whole family if you threaten her again. She asked you to tell her about Grindelwald, that wasn't a request, that's a fucking order."

I look over at Theodore who was smirking I mean, he was actually smirking. He was enjoying Mattheo threaten Evan's life, for once I think they're getting along, in not the best way.

"Fine! Fine fine. I'll tell you what you want to know. But I wouldn't go looking for him, some say he doesn't want to be found."

"I told you your reputation would work." Theodore raised a brow at Mattheo.


hi sorry for slow updates but that's how it's going to be for a long time... i have school now and it's very important to me.

i hope u understand <3 love u guys

hope you enjoyed

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