18 | Tension

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"What're you doing here Ev?"

"Theodore hey, I was just stopping at Riddle's dorm to get the notes from the project, I just wanted to look over them." I answered.

"Where are they?" He questioned.


"The notes? Where are they?" He repeated, "Oh, you know how he is, he didn't let me have them but I thought it was worth a try."

"I see, you could've asked me to get them from him, you probably would've had a better chance." He says.

"Yeah, sorry." I murmur.

"Actually Ev, while you're here I want to tell you something." He pats the couch for me to sit, I didn't want to stay too long in the Slytherin common room.

"What is it?"

"Maggie and I are together," He revealed, I smile brightly, "Awe Theodore, I'm glad."

"You approve of me dating your best friend?" He raises a eyebrow in suspicion.

"Yes I do. Just cut Astoria out, I know you had thing with her at the after party." I said.

"Done. I don't want anything to do with her anyways," He agreed.

"Good. Well I should get going." I smile, he nods and I leave the common room.


"I was thinking we could go somewhere during winter break," Cedric spoke, his arm around my shoulders as we walked around outside.

"Where?" I ask.

"I know it's still far away, but you'll be seventeen soon. And for winter break we could stay at my Fathers, or anywhere you'd want to go."

"Can we think about all that when it gets closer?"

"Of course. I don't mean to pressure you." He says, "You weren't pressuring." I grin.

"Well well well, I guess the Amortentia can see the future," The two of us stand in front of the brunette boy.

"What're you doing out here Riddle?" Cedric asks nicely, I wasn't sure if he liked him or not.

"Enjoying the nature," He answers, his hands were stuffed in the pockets of his black jeans.

Things were awkward between the two of us, out of everyone I came to him for comfort. And both of us weren't sure what to say to each other.

"Yeah uh, it's a nice day." Cedric replied cautiously, I felt him pulling me closer to him.

"So the two of you are together now?" He questioned.

"Yes—" Cedric starts but I quickly stated, "No."

Cedric looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and releasing his arm from around my shoulders.

Giving him a sorry look, I look back at Riddle, "Sounds complicated."

"I'm gonna go, I'll see you later Ev." Cedric mumbles, regret filling my head as I watched him walk away.

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