Green Eyes

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I first met Lizzie at a poetry night in town.

I had been persuaded to go out by Scarlet, one of my friends from university. It had been a while since we had seen each other, the last time being at our graduation, followed by a long night of drinking wine and talking about the people we had once been friends with. We didn't realise it at the time but from that day, everything was changing. We grew older and somewhat wiser but for the most part Scarlet and I remained the same naive people we had been when we first met during fresher's week.

It was a quiet Tuesday night in early September that she decided we would spend most of our evening at a poetry night in the local bar round the corner to my flat. As an English graduate, she had known at that time that I was writing poetry but had failed to mention that tonight was an open mic and how she had signed me up. I never did anything of the sort for myself but that is why Scarlet and I remain best friends, she would do things on my behalf knowing that I would be grateful later down the line.

If I had known then that Lizzie would be sitting in the front row, her large green eyes staring into mine, maybe I would've stayed in bed that night and not gotten on the stage. For when our eyes met, there was no going back. There was no way my hands would've got clammy and stuck to the pages of my notebook or how my eyes were unable to glance around the room to find Scarlet afterwards as they could think of were the bright green eyes from the front row.

It wasn't until I felt Scarlet's arms around my shoulders that I snapped back down to earth and realised that I had finished performing and had a shot of tequila in my hand. I smiled as I slammed the glass back down on the bar and asked for another, already forgetting about why I was so unfocused on stage. After taking the next one I turned my back to the bar and looked out onto the space around me, alcohol buzzing through my system, the greenery of the interior of the bar was becoming a large blur of colour, so much so that I didn't notice those green eyes meeting mine once more as it blended with the colours of the atmosphere around me. Music so loud I couldn't quite make out what she was saying so instead I just giggled, feeling like a giddy teenager once more I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer so that I could hear her better,

"Can I buy you another?" her sweet voice echoed, the breath of her words making the hairs on my arm stand on edge.

I just nodded knowing my chances of her hearing my reply were very slim. As she ordered I couldn't help but follow the way her lips were moving so graciously as she spoke to the bartender, her hand still resting in mine and her hips pressed flush against the side she was leaning over. As her hand left mine, I felt a weight drop in my stomach until I looked back to her eyes which sparkled as she looked at mine and smiled. Her smile alone was enough to bring me back down to earth. Still feeling the buzz of the last two shots she puts another in my hand and without even thinking I pulled her closer and pushed her head back so I could pour the shot into her mouth. I don't know what came over me, I am never so quick to openly first back with people like that. I heard a small cheer and saw Scarlet watching me with wide eyes also surprised by my actions. The girl picked her head up and gave me a smile that was unlike her previous and without breaking eye contact, handed me another glass. I took the shot while keeping my eyes locked on hers. Afraid that if I looked away, she would leave.

I took in every part of her appearance so I could describe her to my friends later.

Her auburn hair was loose and laid around her shoulders with a small part tucked behind her ear that was peeking out between the layers of her waves. Her makeup was minimal, but she didn't need anything heavier as all of my attention was on her eyes. Bright green and perfectly circular in shape. Her slim build was accentuated by her tight trousers sitting flush against her hips and a knit jumper tucked into its waistband. She was effortless flawless and mesmerizing. Scarlet said it herself later that night, everything about her was captivating, so much so that I didn't even realise where I was going until I felt the cold air hit my skin and realise, she took me outside the bar.

Laughing at the state of me she takes my phone out of my hand and punches in her number. I smile back at her as she turns to walk away, turning back to face me she smiled again and kept walking. Snapping back to reality I looked down at my phone screen, still open on the messages app she had used to text herself my number I smiled at her name with a smile on my face.

Lizzie <3


Scarlet comes up to me from behind, hanging her arm over my shoulder, "So?"

"What?" I replied as we began our walk back to my apartment.

Rolling her eyes, she stopped and looked at me, "she was very much feeling you and your whole vibe," she explained scanning my body with her hand, "did you at least get her number?"

I hand her my phone so she can see the screen that is still open on Lizzie's contact. Looping her arm in mine and slipping my phone back into my pocket she smiled to herself at the interaction she had witnessed and what came from it.


Trying to fall asleep, while the only thing my mind could think of was her green eyes, was impossible. I kept going over the events of tonight. It's all a blur, to be honest. When I try to think of being on the stage all I can see are her waves and her eyes staring at me in adoration. At the bar, all I remember is how soft her cheeks her and how her smile was slightly crooked in the most perfect way. I rolled over and picked up my phone from my bedside table shining the screen towards the bed – 2.31am. I groaned and rolled out of bed to get some water, bringing my phone with me. Scarlet was sleeping peacefully on the sofa when my phone buzzed from its position in my hand.

Lizzie <3
I don't believe I got your name.

A smile grows on my face again as I put my glass of water down to reply.

Y/N. It was lovely to meet you, I had a good night x

Before I had time to rethink the kiss at the end, the text had been sent. I placed my phone face down on the kitchen side and rub my face not knowing what to do with myself while I wait for a response. I end up sat on my bed with my legs crossed just watching my blank phone screen waiting for it to flash up with a message.

Lizzie <3
I had a good night too. Hopefully, I get to see you again...

Goodnight Y/N x


A/N - Hello people of Wattpad! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, I have a whole book planned out but I am an undergraduate student (studying english of course) so I will probbaly be uploading a few times a week but one GOOD chapter per week that will be a few thousand words. Let me know what you thought of the first chapter!!

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