Mary Jane

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I woke up to the weight of Lizzie against the side of my body. Her heart beat steady, and her hand rested on my chest above my heart. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head and ran my hand up her back until she buried her neck deeper into the crook of my neck.

Mornings like these, where I wake up to a half-naked Lizzie in my arms are my favourite. I tried to move out of bed to go and make her breakfast, but she held onto me tighter so as to not let me go so I closed my eyes again and let myself drift back off to sleep, holding her close to me.

When I next opened my eyes, Lizzie was looking up at me and smiling "Good morning green eyes," I said quietly, rubbing her back.

She hummed, "morning love, sleep well?" She asked, still looking at me.

I nodded and kissed her nose, "I always sleep well when you're here," I told her.

She smiled and leaned up to give me a quick kiss before laying her head back down on my chest, her finger drawing circles on my stomach above my belly button.

"What do you want for breakfast," I asked her.

"Mhm, do you have the stuff to make waffles?" She asked.

I hummed and nodded in agreement, "want to help me?"

"Always," she said smiling.

As I sat up, looking for something to wear I noticed the clothes that were scattered around the room. As I did so, Lizzie stood up and walked out of the room, completely butt naked.

"Liz, where are you going?" I asked laughing slightly.

"Making breakfast," she shouted from the kitchen.

I stood up and looked through my bedroom door frame, "naked?" I responded laughing.

"There's no one else here so why not?" She said in all seriousness.


So, I followed suit and walked up behind her, placing my arms around her waist from behind as she started the coffee machine.

"I'll do coffee, you do waffles," I said kissing her cheek, "one sugar, no milk?"

"Yeah," she said with a sweet smile towards me.

With the smell of coffee and Lizzie's humming, the minutes ticked by and we were now sat at the kitchen island staring at each other in comfortable silence while we both enjoyed our food.

Lizzie hummed loudly as she put her fork down and her hand up, I laughed at her random burst.

"What?" I said giggling.

"I forgot to ask how your meeting went with that band!" She said excitedly.

"Oh, it was alright," I said as I continued eating.

"Alright? You were really looking forward to it, what happened?" She asked, now looking at me with concern.

"The lead singer was a bit of a dick, but I probably should have seen that coming," I began.

Lizzie stayed quiet waiting for me to continue, "he kind of ignored me the whole time and when I asked him a question directly, he didn't answer and instead just made me feel really small."

"What a dickhead," Lizzie said taking a sip of her coffee.

I hummed in agreement.

"What band were they again? I'll keep an eye out and if I see him, I will subtly kick him in the shin," she said smiling at me.

I laughed slightly and then told her, "Milo Greene."

She didn't answer but just looked into her mug, "uh yeah I think you told me that actually, what was his name?" Lizzie asked curiously.

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