September 19th

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September 19th

Elizabeth's POV

After we left Y/N's birthday lunch we got changed and put on 10 things I hate about you, when I say we didn't even get passed the first scene I'm not exaggerating. As soon as we sat down, we started making out and now, 13 hours later, I was laying on the floor of the lounge with Y/N's arm wrapped around my shoulder, a thin blanket covering our waists and nothing else. We were both so tired that we didn't even turn the TV off, it was now playing pitch perfect. I smiled when I looked up to my sleepy girlfriend who had a small smile on her face as she dreamt. I tried to wiggle my way out because the baby was massively pressing on my bladder, but I ended up waking her up in the process.

She groaned and looked down at me, "good morning baby."

"Good morning my love, I didn't want to wake you up," I smiled, kissing her shoulder.

"It's okay, are you alright?" she asked.

I nodded and sat up, taking the blanket with me, "baby is pressing on my bladder, I'm literally going to piss myself," I laughed.

"So, you're leaving me naked on the floor?" she asked when I wrapped the blanket around me.

I giggled and walked off, "I'll bring you a t-shirt if you start making breakfast?"

She groaned, "okay piss off upstairs," she said walking into the kitchen.

I giggled and skipped upstairs, running into the bathroom before pissing out my entire balder full of its contents. I walked back downstairs and chucked Y/N a t-shirt and threw the blanket back down on the sofa, she was standing in the kitchen making toast for the both of us with a big smile on her face.

"Why are you grinning like that?" I smiled, walking over to her.

"I was just thinking about us and last night," she smiled, "I had a really good birthday, usually they suck but this year was really good so thank you."

"Of course, it's the day my amazing girlfriend came into the world," I smiled, walking towards her to kiss her lips.

She smiled once we pulled apart and handed me a plate, "um- today is-"

"Your Dads birthday," I finished.

She nodded with a sad smile, "you remembered?"

"Of course I remembered," I replied like it was obvious.

"Do you want to- I mean, can you- would you like to-"

I nodded slowly, "I would love to meet him."

She let out a sigh of relief and nodded, "thank you."

I leaned forward and pecked her lips a few times, "I'm looking forward to it."

"Me too," she smiled, taking a seat on top of the kitchen island.

I walked between her legs and took a bite of the toast in her hands.

"I literally made you your own," she giggled.

"Yeah, but yours has a- I don't know, I just love your face when I eat your food," I said with my mouth full.

She shook her head with a giggle, "you're lucky you're pregnant."

"Or what Y/L/N," I replied, raising my eyebrows.

She leaned forward and took a big bite of my toast.

"Y/N!" I shouted, hitting her chest gently.

"Oh so it's okay for you but not for me?" she smirked.

"Are you nearly 7 months pregnant?" I smiled.

"Okay fine, you win Olsen," she replied, "finish up and we'll get going, its best to go early- saves us from walking into any funerals," she giggled.

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