Incoming Call

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Two days had passed since Lizzie's note. I went to work, came home and fell asleep hoping that when I woke up, she would be back here or I would at least have a missed call from her. The next day came and went and still nothing.

Hey, I got your note. Hope everything is okay, I'll speak to you later! x

Hey Liz, I know you said you would call but I'm going to sleep I'll speak to you tomorrow x

Good morning lovely, I'm at work all day but I'll talk to you later. I hope you're okay x

Lizzie, I'm getting a bit worried now, are you okay? x

Just let me know if you're okay, please.

Liz, it's been two days, I know we aren't actually together, but I still care about you. I'm worried. Please call me.

It felt like I was talking to no one. The messages had all been delivered but I got nothing back. No indication that she had read them, no indication that she was even okay. That was until today. I was sitting in the office writing up my meeting with Milo Greene when my phone began ringing. Despite the noise of the office, I heard it ringing, I had been waiting for that noise for two days.

*Incoming call from Lizzie <3*

"Liz? Hey, are you okay?" I asked with a clear sense of worry in my voice.

The line was choppy, I could hear the TV in the background so clearly, she is fine.

"Hey Y/N, I'm so sorry I didn't call sooner. I meant to, but everything is just a bit messy and the moment and me disappearing for a week didn't really help that." She sounded sincere like she really did mean to call but just didn't have the time.

"It's okay, I was just a bit worried," I said, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"I know, I want to make it up to you," she said pausing the TV that was mumbling in the background, "let me take you out tonight, I still owe you dinner remember?"

"I'd love that," I said smiling.

Jess, who had only heard my end of the conversation gave me a knowing smile and a wink which I returned playfully.

"Amazing, I'll come by at around 7?" Lizzie spoke.

"7 is perfect, I'll see you later Lizzie," I replied.

"See you later love."


6.55 pm I was sitting waiting for Lizzie to knock on the door. Eagar, I know but I hadn't seen the girl for nearly 3 days after spending a whole week together. A single knock on the door brought me out of my seat and to the door handle. When I opened it, I was met with a huge bunch of flowers in front of Lizzie's face. She moved them aside to reveal the eyes I had missed so deeply.

"Hey," she said, holding the flowers by her side.

"Hey, you," I said back in the same flirty tone.

She came closer and put her hands around my neck, pulling me in for a passionate kiss. Allowing her closer I closed the door without breaking contact with her lips. She gasped as I grabbed her hips allowing me to slip my tongue past her lips. She reciprocated instantly and pulled me closer to her until her back was to the door and the flowers had fallen out of her hands so she could hold onto the back of my head.

"Do you want to just stay here?" I said as Lizzie's lips made their way onto my neck.

She hummed in response before crashing our lips back together in a desperate attempt to be closer to me.

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