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I stepped onto the bus and pressed play on the radio app, letting Heart Radio play through my headphones. I sat on the top floor of the bus and rested my feet on the back of the seat in front of me. Tapping my toes along to the music and humming quietly. It was slightly overcast today but the sun was shining through the clouds and gently bouncing off the windows around the bus. I followed the sunlight around the bus and landed my eyes on a mother with her young daughter. She was busy on the phone and looked slightly stressed, her eyebrows furrowed and her hand on her daughter's waist, keeping her on the seat. I smiled at the little girl and pulled out one of my headphones.

"Hey," I said with a bright smile.

She looked up at her mum and then back to me, "hi," she said with a little smile, "I like your shoes," she said shyly, looking at my shiny doc martens.

"Thank you, look when I move them, they create little rainbows," I said moving my foot around.

She giggled and held her hand out towards me, "I'm Lucy, it's nice to meet you," she said confidently.

I giggled and shook her little hand, "hello Lucy, I'm Y/N-"

"Sorry is she bothering you?" the woman asked, hanging up her phone.

I giggled and shook my head, "no she's okay," I smiled, "I'm Y/N," I said to the mother.

"Monica, it's lovely to meet you. Lucy here has her first dentist appointment today," she said smiling at her daughter.

"Have you been brushing your teeth well?" I asked her.

She nodded enthusiastically, "twice a day," she said proudly.

"Hey Luce, this is our stop," her mum said pressing the stop button, "do you have kids?" she asked me.

"Hopefully soon," I smiled.

"I have a feeling you'll be a great mum," she said standing up.

"Thank you," I smiled before looking down to the little girl, "I hope your appointment goes well, it was lovely to meet you, Lucy."

"Bye Y/N," she said with a nose scrunch that looked exactly like Lizzie's.

As I watched Lucy and her mum walk off down the road I started to think about my future child. I wonder if they'll have Lizzie's eyes or her nose scrunch. If they could have my height that would be great. James is as tall as me so hopefully they get that from my side. I smiled and put my other headphone in, turning up the music again and pressing the stop button a few moments later. I got off the bus after thanking the driver and walked towards Scarlet's café, walking past my old apartment on the way. I smiled as I looked up at the window I spent many nights looking through and saw a young girl in her early 20s with a coffee in her hand, looking at the road below her. She smiled when she made eye contact with me. I couldn't help but gleam at the way my life has changed over the past year. I was once that girl in apartment 13 but I was now in a happy relationship with a house, a cat and hopefully a little baby on the way.

I pushed open the door to the café and walked towards the counter where Scarlet was hard at work.

"How is my favourite barista?" I said with a smile.

"Y/N!!" she squealed, running around the counter to tackle me into a hug, "how was the spa?" she asked.

I nodded with a smile, "it was really lovely, we had a really good time," I replied.

Scarlet smiled, "the pictures looked heavenly," she replied walking back around the counter, "the usual?"

I nodded, "please- oh could I also get a cinnamon bun?"

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