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I woke up 20 minutes before my bus was due to arrive at the stop. In sheer panic I stood up way too quickly and ran around the room, throwing on a dress that was lying on the floor and putting on my Crocs. I kissed Lizzie's head and told her I loved her before running out the front door, making it just in time to get my usual seat on the top at the front, putting my feet up and catching my breath as I watched London come to life.

"Good morning Jessica and ... friend?" I said walking up to my desk and seeing Jess sitting on hers, with a very athletic-looking man standing between her legs.

"Y/N, good morning," she smiled, "this is um- this is Cory," she said with a smile.

"I didn't know Magic Mike did office visits?" I smirked.

"Ha. Ha. Honestly, I cannot contain my laughter," Jess said in a monotone voice.

I winked at her before sitting down and looking up at the Godly man next to me. We exchanged what I like to call 'a straight man nod' and turned my attention back to my laptop to log in, letting Jess say goodbye to her very muscley friend. He kissed her and then waved goodbye when he got to the door before walking off and down the stairs onto the street of Soho, I leaned over my desk to watch him walking towards a shiny orange Mustang that was parallel parked in front of the office.

"Where did you find him?" I said, raising my eyebrows at Jess.

"He's a childhood friend," she replied sitting down with a smile.

"I don't tend to lock lips with my friends," I said with a smirk.

"Okay so he's a little more than that now," she replied.

"Does that massive body also come with a massive-"

"Y/N can I borrow you for a minute please?" Arthur asked approaching my desk.

I nodded and smiled at Jess' blush, "See you in a bit," I said tapping her shoulder before following my boss into his office.

"Take a seat," he said, pointing at the bean bags on the floor.

"Where did your chairs go?" I asked, looking around.

"I thought bean bags made the room look a little more fun."

"And?" I asked with a smirk.

"Turns out they just hurt your back," he laughed.

"What can I do for you?" I asked, opting to stand instead of sit.

"I have a new case for you, it's a big one," he said with a proud smile.

"Oooo exciting, do go on," I replied.

"I have a British actress who wants help publishing her book, I need someone to be the face of the company and run all the social events. Can I count on you?" he asked, handing me a folder.

I nodded quickly, "100%, who is the actress?" I asked flicking through the folder.

"Florence Pugh," he said with a smile.

I picked my head up, my jaw hanging open, "as in-"

"The very same," he replied.

"Oh my god this is amazing," I said, "thank you oh my god, thank you so much," I said shaking his hand.

"Let it out now because she is on her way up," he said.

My eyes widened and I took a few deep breaths and checked over my outfit. Of course, today is the day I was wearing Crocs.

There was a knock on the office door and Arthur nodded at me before walking over to answer it revealing none other than Miss Florence Pugh herself.

"Hi Flo- Florence- sorry, Miss Pugh?" I said shaking her hand.

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