Voice message

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I woke up to kisses being planted all over my face and hair tickling my cheeks. I groaned before smiling as the final kiss was planted on my lips.

"Good morning lovely," I whispered against her lips.

"Happy Monday," she murmured back.

I groaned even louder than before, "I don't want to go to work," I said into the quietness of the bedroom.

"Mhm, I know but I'll be here when you get back and we can do whatever you want," Lizzie said, drawing circles on my chest.

"Whatever I want?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow.

She picked her head up and nodded before planting another kiss on my lips, this one with more passion, "whatever you want."

I smiled wide and looked to the side to pick up the phone that informed me I had an hour before I had to leave for work. That made me unnaturally happy – it's the small things on a Monday morning.

"I need to shower before work," I said to Lizzie.

"Okay," she responded, still with her head on my chest.

"That means you need to roll off me," I spoke laughing slightly.

She sighed with exaggeration before rolling off me. Getting up slowly I planted a kiss on her head before heading to the bathroom.

"Are you coming or not?" I said to her as I reached the door.

She didn't respond, I just heard the bed sheets crumple and her feet padding along the floor. I turned on the shower and stepped in, minutes later Lizzie followed and instantly attached her lips to mine.

"I have work," I said against her lips.

"So I'll be quick," she said with a smirk as she lowered herself to her knees in front of me.


"... and that's why I was late," I said to Jess as I quickly tried to unpack my bag as if the rest of the office didn't notice me stumble in an hour late.

"She seems nice," Jess said with a smile, "and clearly she makes you happy."

"Very," I responded with the same smile.

"Whereabouts does she live again?" Jess asked.

"Um just outside of town," I said, taking a sip of my now lukewarm coffee.

"Yeah, but where?" She asked with a laugh.

"Um-" I started to think and realised that I really didn't know.

"Y/N please tell me you know where she lives," Jess said as she now stopped doing her work to turn and face me.

"Well I've not actually been to hers yet-"

"What do you mean 'I haven't been to hers yet', Y/N this is your girlfriend," Jess spoke with a 'duh' attitude.

"Yeah I know that Jess, we just spend more time at mine because-"

"Because??? Y/N whether you'll admit it or not, that's a bit weird?" Jess said.

"I don't know, is it? I didn't really think of it before now. I suppose it's just so natural to have her at my apartment I hadn't even thought about going to hers," I replied.

She just hummed in response before turning back to her laptop.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, just – that would be a bit of a red flag for me personally. She's probably not but to me, it sounds like she's hiding something, I don't know – maybe just ask her," Jess said.

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