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Waking up to Lizzie's head buried between my neck was definitely something I could get used to.

I looked down at the white sheet that barely covered her body that looked as if it had been sculpted by the Gods. Her auburn hair splayed out over her face and across my bare chest.

I ran my fingers over her features, starting from her eyebrows and tracing over her cheekbones. Brushing her hair behind her ear as I did so. Although deep in sleep, a small hum left her lips as they slowly turned in the corners to reveal the smile that I felt myself falling for.

She looked up at me through her eyelashes, my hand still on her cheek and met my eyes, "Good morning," she croaked out with a smile.

"Morning," I smiled back as I continued to brush her cheek with my thumb, "I could get used to this."

She simply hummed in response and placed her head on my chest, tracing the shape of my colour bones with her index finger until she got to my necklace that lay between my breasts. Picking it up in between her fingers she flipped over the heart-shaped pendant and read allowed the date printed on the back.

"September 18th?" She asked placing it back down on my chest.

"My birthday," I finished, placing a small kiss on the crown of her head. She hummed in response and placed a kiss on my neck below my ear drawing the exact reaction she expected as my hand scratched down her bare back.

"This ruins our friendship a bit doesn't it," she asked looking up at me through her lashes once more.

"If you keep looking at me like that, then yes it definitely does," I laughed.

She giggled in response, propping herself up on her arm to look at me fully before I closed the gap between us in a sweet kiss. One without lust or the rush of last night but simply a kiss of comfort and the feeling of longing that I felt for her.

With her eyes still shut she spoke between kisses, "Bagels?"

I hummed in response, still leaving sweet kisses on her lips, "bagels."

Rising off my chest with her bare back towards me, she picked up my t-shirt from the bedroom floor and looked at me from over her shoulder, "Like what you see?"

"you know I do" I replied, reaching out to hold her hand.

She leaned over and left a final kiss on my lips before getting up and walking towards the kitchen.


With Lizzie in the kitchen, I reached over to the bedside table to grab my phone, seeing 3 missed calls from scarlet and a series of messages.

Let me know how it goes!!!

*missed call from Scarlo*

I'm going to assume you are busy as you are ignoring me ;)


*missed call from Scarlo*


*missed call from Scarlo*


I laughed and placed my phone back on the table when the smell of fresh bacon filled my bedroom. I quickly sat up and put on Lizzie's shirt that she had worn over here and checked the time before walking towards my bathroom.

I was met with a rather dishevelled reflection staring back at me. A trail of large purple bruises down my neck, swollen lips and hair that had very obviously been pulled at. I placed my forefinger on my lips, feeling them tingle beneath my touch and reached for my hairbrush. Effortlessly pulling my curls into a messy bun and splashing my face with cold water, I slightly squealed and turned on my toes to leave the bathroom and walk towards the kitchen.

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