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Robbie's POV

"...FUCK," I shouted as I threw the glass flower vase at the front door that Elizabeth had slammed behind her.

I knew for a fact she was on her way to the house she had been staying at. I was in two minds: follow Elizabeth to the house and prove my theory correct, confront this dickhead she's been seeing and win her back OR sit tight and just hope she walks back through the door.

I'm following her.

I grabbed my car keys and threw on a coat before walking out the door, seeing her car driving away in the distance. Quickly, I put on my seatbelt as the car pulled out of the driveway and drove at a stupid speed to follow Elizabeth's car as she joined the freeway.

The drive was short and familiar as we pulled up near Soho. I put on my sunglasses and a cap, my A* disguise, as I walked behind Elizabeth towards an all too familiar apartment block. Y/N's apartment block. I watched from the other side of the road as she punched in the entry code for apartment number 13. Y/N's fucking apartment.

I knew if I followed her up there that it would end badly. She was already mad at me, and I would lose her for good if I confronted her about it. I knew I had to confront Y/N. Fuck me. She had been sleeping with Y/N the whole time I had been working with her.

I pulled out my phone and opened my messages app before shutting it off to plan my next move.

Y/n's POV

Robbie Arnett

We need to talk.

"Hey, earth to Y/N," Jess said waving her hand in front of my face.

"Mhm, what did you say?" I asked.

"I said – are you alright? You seem a bit off today, did something happen with Lizzie?" She asked.

"Sorry, I'm fine. Just family stuff," I said as I locked my phone to continue with the workday.

Just three hours to go before I get to go home. I haven't spoken to Lizzie since this morning. I feel bad about storming out on her but I just couldn't talk about it without knowing the full truth and whether or not my mum was really back in the real world.

"Robbie turned up at my apartment last night," I said out of the blue.

"Robbie as in-"

"Yeah, he was really drunk and honestly a bit of a mess. Said something about having a falling out with his fiancé," I responded.

She nodded, taking in what I had just said, "where is he now?"

"I don't know, Marlana came and picked him up. But that's not the weirdest part," I began, reopening my phone and passing it over to Jess to read the previous message he had sent.

"So, he turns up at your house in the middle of the night, leaves with his band mate and then messages you at-," she checked her watch, "3 pm the next day. No thank you, no nothing. Seems a bit weird if you ask me."

"Mhm, I agree," I responded taking my phone back, "what do I say back? Do I say anything back?"

"Just ask if he's alright," she said nodding at the phone.


Are you alright?

I showed her the phone screen, "yeah, perfect," she responded as we both had our heads down at my phone screen.

*Robbie Arnett is typing*

Robbie Arnett

I could ask you the same thing.

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