Dungarees and pancakes

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"Good morning to my gorgeous future bride and our beautiful 12-week-old foetus," I said pushing the door open and seeing my sleepy girlfriend smiling at me with her eyes shut.

"Good morning," she groaned, opening her eyes slowly, "oh my god."

"What," I giggled, getting back under the duvet and passing Lizzie her decaf coffee.

"I didn't throw up this morning, I don't feel nauseous at all," she said with a sigh of relief.

"Welcome to your second trimester," I said holding my mug towards her.

She clinked hers against mine with a sweet smile and kept her eyes on mine as she took a sip.

"I have a work thing tonight that I would like you to come to," I said, crossing my legs to face her.

She hummed and placed her hand on my thigh, "What is this 'thing'?"

"Um- it's a small gathering with drinks and food for Flo's book," I said waiting for her reaction.

She hummed, "Will Florence be there?"

"Yes, Flo will probably be at her own book gathering," I said matter-of-factly.

She hummed again, "then I'll be there," she said, taking another sip of her drink.

"Lizzie not this again please," I said with a sigh.

"I didn't say anything," she replied.

"You didn't have to."

She hummed again, "fuck I don't have a dress that's going to fit," she said looking at me, placing a hand on her growing belly.

I smiled wide, "so let's go shopping," I said excitedly.

Lizzie climbed out of bed and ran towards the bathroom to wash her face before getting ready for the day. I followed suit and swiftly made the bed, making sure the sheets were flat down against the mattress and our pjs were folded on top of our pillows (because everyone has their own side of the bed). As if on cue, Momo came into the room and jumped up onto the bed. He was now nearly a full-sized cat and positioned himself in his usual seat that was covered in black fur from the previous morning. I gave up lint rolling it about 2 months ago because every day it would end up looking the same again. I opened the bedroom window to air out the musky smell from the night before and grabbed Lizzie's current go-to outfit, the only outfit that fit around her waist currently: a pair of vintage dungarees with a white t-shirt underneath. With the sunny June weather, we were having it worked out quite well for her. Me on the other hand, I settled for some low-waisted black mom jeans and a sage green tank top. Just as I put the top over my head (no bra obviously), Lizzie walked back into the bedroom.

"And good morning," she smirked.

Another pregnancy symptom – Lizzie is turned on by absolutely everything I do. I bent down to do my laces up the other day and when I stood back up her face was bright red. I started using it to my advantage of course. I pulled my top down and smiled at her, pulling her close by her waist and kissing her passionately making her sigh into my mouth. She wrapped her arms around my neck to keep my lips on hers and moaned just before I pulled away with a satisfied grin on my face.

"Hey that's not fair," she said trying to pull me back.

"Get dressed, I'll be downstairs," I smiled, kissing her head softly.

I walked off and jumped down the steps to make a quick snack before he headed out. I grabbed two slices of bread and popped them in the toaster.

"Alexa play heart radio," I spoke as I walked over to the fridge to get the butter.

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