Christmas Day pt.2

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Lizzie was driving to Grandma's while I was on aux. It was frosty but it wasn't snowing as it barely snowed in London, the ice was building up along the side of the road though. Lizzie's hand was resting on my leg, tapping her finger to the tune of the Christmas music I had queued.

Where the only water flowing...
Is the bitter sting of tears
And the Christmas bells that ring there
Are the clanging chimes of doom, it's doom
Well tonight, thank God it's them...
Instead of youuuu.

Lizzie turned down the music and looked at me, "oh my god, that is a great song. A modern classic."

I knew what she was getting at and continued her dialogue, "Geldof at his best. Don't forget Majure. Always overlooked," I replied shaking my head.

"Do you mean Midge Ure?" She spoke with a smile.

"That's what I said, Majure."

"It's not one word. It two. Madge Ure."

"It is? I thought it was Majure. Like majure cheddar," I finished.

Lizzie laughed and concentrated on the road again, "fantastic Christmas episode," she muttered.

I nodded my head in agreement, "when did the child of L.A. get time to watch Gavin and Stacy?"

"You're forgetting my sisters grew up in the entertainment industry," she replied with a smile.

I nodded my head and placed my hand on hers, giving it a squeeze.

We pulled up to Grandma's house as the third song finished.

"I'll go and get her, keep the car running," I said to Lizzie, bringing her hand up to my lips to give them a kiss.

She nodded and turned up the music slightly as I got out of the car. Unlike when I was growing up, the house had no Christmas decorations. No lights and there was no tree shining through the window. I took a deep breath and put my key in the door, finding Grandma standing there waiting for me, shaking slightly, with a large sack of gifts next to her.

"Y/N/N will you be a dear and take these to the car?" She muttered as I hugged her.

"Of course. Merry Christmas to you too," I replied with a smirk, picking up the large sack.

She shook her head and wabbled out of the house behind me, locking the door as she did.

"Will Emma be joining us this year?" She asked as I opened the back door for her to climb in the car.

I shook my head with a smile, "no, not this year Grandma. We're spending it with Lizzie's family."

I walked around the car as she contemplated my response.

"Who is Lizzie dear?" She asked as Lizzie started the engine.

"This is Lizzie Grandma," I said pointing to Lizzie in the driver's seat, "she's my girlfriend."

Grandam nodded my head and smiled at Lizzie, "it's lovely to meet you darling, you're very pretty."

Lizzie smiled sweetly at Grandma, "Thank you Linda."

Grandma nodded and shakingly turned her head to look out the window as Lizzie pulled off, placing her hand back on my leg, and giving it a gentle squeeze. I looked up at her and she gave me a small smile before turning up the music again.

I'm driving home for Christmas
Oh, I can't wait to see those faces
I'm driving home for Christmas, yea
Well I'm moving down that line
And it's been so long
But I will be there
I sing this song
To pass the time away
Driving in my car
Driving home for Christmas.

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