I'm sorry

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"Hi," she breathed out, smiling sadly.

"Hi," I replied in the same tone, moving aside to let her into my apartment.

"Y/N I'm sorry I didn't call, or even message. I don't know why I was feeling sorry for myself when you were feeling ten times worse. I'm just so fucking sorry. I wanted to give you space if you needed it and-"

I interrupted her by kissing her lips, at first, she was confused but soon reciprocated the kiss until we were both out of breath.

"It's okay," I said quietly.

She looked at me confused so I put my hand on my cheek, "it's okay Lizzie, I forgive you."

"But-" she began

"No buts, no explanations. I forgive you," I said again.

She didn't respond but instead pulled me into another kiss, "I love you Y/L/N," she said against my lips.

I pulled away to look into her eyes which were now glossy.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Robbie Y/N. I know you said it's okay but it's not. I really did try to break up with him," she said as a tear ran down her cheek.

"Hey, no tears. I forgive you Liz. It wasn't one of your best moves I can't lie," I said laughing, this earned a laugh from her too, "but Lizzie, two weeks without you was enough to tell me that I don't want to do any of this without you by my side."

"So we're okay?" she said sniffling.

"we're okay," I whispered, pulling her into a hug.

"Can I kiss you," she said against my chest.

"You never need to ask to kiss me," I spoke, pulling her away from me.

I placed my finger on her chin to make her look up at me, "I love you Elizabeth," I said, pulling her in for another kiss.

This one was unlike the others, there was so much love behind it, and I didn't want it to end. She put her hands around my neck pulling me even closer as she licked along my bottom lip which I granted her access. Our tongues fought against each other as she smiled into the kiss that was becoming more heated the longer it continued.

"Jump," I said against her lips.

She knew exactly what I meant and jumped up to wrap her legs around my waist, not daring to break the kiss. I walked over to the kitchen surface and placed her down on it, standing in between her legs. She kept her legs wrapped around my waist, keeping me as close as possible. I was so focused on kissing her that I didn't notice her hand move from the back of my head, down to my waistline. It wasn't until I felt her pulling at the waistband of my shorts that I realised what was happening.

"Can I?" she asked against my lips.

I nodded and kissed her again as I felt her hand make its way down and settle between my legs. As soon as her hand contacted my core I moaned into her mouth, kissing her harder. She picked up on my pleasure and began rubbing circles around my clit. Subconsciously I started to grind myself against the rhythm of her fingers.

"Please," I whispered against her lips.

Not waiting any longer, she ran her fingers through my folds, collecting my juice before making quick work of putting her forefinger and her middle finger inside me at the same time.

"Fuck, just like that," I said quietly, moving to kiss her neck.

As she began moving her fingers inside me, she pulled herself to the edge of the kitchen side to push her fingers deeper inside me with the aid of her hips. Hitting her clit as she moved, she threw her head back and gave me more access to her neck.

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