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"So, you're not going to tell me anything?" Scarlet says over the sound of my coffee machine. She insisted on coming over the following morning after her daily run as she couldn't wait to hear about my evening with Lizzie.

"I don't know what you want me to say. It was a good evening, we danced and then came home," I replied to her pouring us both a much-needed cup of coffee.

"Y/N. The girl who you like asked you on a night out and nothing happened?" I nod at her statement but don't say anything, "do you not think she might feel the same?"

"I mean, maybe. But I don't know, it was just a nice evening. I didn't want to ruin it," I said shyly taking a sip of my drink.

Scarlet doesn't respond but I can tell she is rolling her eyes at me.

The next hour is spent in comfortable silence with Scarlet walking around my apartment as if it's her own. She knew not to push the matter further and trusted my process and judgement. It's not as if I didn't want to make a move last night, I just don't know if she feels the same way that I do and I don't want to lose what we are forming. Sat on the sofa facing my TV, her wine glass from last night catches my eye, a small pink lipstick stain sitting on the rim of the glass. I don't notice myself smiling at the glass until I hear Scarlet approaching behind me which causes me to put the glass back down in its place on the coffee table. Leaning my head back onto the back of the sofa, I look at Scarlet upside-down as she places a kiss on my forehead before picking up her things and leaving me alone to sit with my thoughts about last night and most importantly what I am going to do about Lizzie.

Good morning, how is your head? x

Lizzie <3
Good morning, my head is pretty achy.  A bottle of wine and a few tequila shots tends to do that to a girl x

I quickly brainstorm a response, not wanting to leave her waiting too long but I also don't want it to make it look like I am waiting for her to message. Of course, I am but she can't know that.

Avocado bagel. The perfect hangover cure, I'll send you my recipe x

Lizzie <3
Or I could come over and you could make it for me?? x

*Y/N liked a message*

I guess I'll see you soon then x

I throw my phone over on the other side of the sofa and rub my eyes with the palm of my hand. I have never been one to jump at opportunities like this so the feeling that she may feel the same is making my heartbeat increasingly faster. I run into my room to tie my hair into a messy bun to make myself look like I wasn't waiting for her to text.

It's not long afterwards that there is a buzz on my door from the lobby, I buzz her in and look around at my apartment to judge its cleanliness before opening the front door. As I open the door she is stood before me she is still in her pyjamas: small black shorts and a very oversized t-shirt with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. The light shines through the window as she looks up at me, making her eyes glisten.

"So, bagels?" she questions as I move out of the way to let her in. She takes her seat on the kitchen island and sits waiting for me to pull myself together, shut the door and join her in the kitchen.

"Bagels," I breathe out as I walk towards her.

Sifting through the cupboards to collect the ingredients, I feel her eyes on me when I look up – sure enough – she is watching me.

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