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Lizzie's belly was now too big for her to lay on her stomach, so I woke up with the baby bump on my stomach and Lizzie's head buried in my neck. I smiled as I ran my hand up and down her bare back, the sheets barely covering our waists. It was the best night I've had in a hot minute and had us both asleep the second we cleaned up. She was snoring slightly, and her hair was tickling my neck, but I didn't mind, I was just happy with our morning peace. Today marks 3 months until our baby arrives, and I could not be more fucking nervous, I was really excited don't get me wrong, but I don't know the first thing about being a mother, Lizzie was so naturally maternal that she had nothing to worry about, but I had a deep fear that I would not be good enough.

"What are you overthinking?" Lizzie said as she woke up, looking up at me and pressing her thumb between my furrowed brows.

"Nothing important, just thinking about how perfect our little family is," I lied.

"It is, isn't it," she smiled, resting her head on my chest, "I'm six months today."

I kissed her head and smile, "you are," I said, placing my hand on her belly gently, "are you alright this morning?"

She giggled and looked up her at me, "Y/N having sex isn't going to hurt the baby."

"I just want to be sure," I said smugly.

"She's okay. I'm good, great actually, I had a really good night," she smiled, thinking of the night we had.

"Mhm me too," I agreed, "do you have any plans today?"

She shook her head.

"I'm going to take you on a date," I concluded.

She looked up at me and smiled, "where are we going?"

"Camden market? We can get lunch and do some shopping."

She nodded, "it's supposed to be really good weather today."

"Camden it is," I smiled, kissing her head and letting my lips linger before pulling away to peck her lips.

"She's kicking," Lizzie said against my lips, grabbing my hand and placing it on her belly.

"I'll never get over that feeling," I sighed.

"I think she likes the sound of your voice," Lizzie replied as she felt our baby's kicks increase.

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
You'd be like Heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last, love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you.

I sang softly, kneading Lizzie's belly as I did.

"She definitely likes the sound of your voice," she smiled.

"I can't believe we're having a baby," I breathed.

"I love how you're still in shock like this happened accidentally," she giggled.

"Fuck off, I know we tried for a while before she came along but it's still and to me that we are actually going to have a little human by Christmas time- oh my god we're going to have a baby by Christmas," I said looking at her with a big smile.

She giggled, "we are," she replied with a nose scrunch.

I leaned forward and kissed me lips softly with a smile, "I'm going to get in the shower and then we'll get going?"

"Can I come," she asked.

"I thought that was an unspoken rule," I smirked, standing up and holding my hands out to help her up.

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