Good morning

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Her eyes were puffy and red, she had obviously been crying for quite some time. Her hair was pulled into a messy ponytail that was loose around the hair tie. She was in an oversized jumper and the sleeves were stained with mascara, she was in sliders and fluffy socks and it looked like she had ran here from her sisters?

"I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to go," she said quietly, her eyes becoming glossy, tears threatening to fall.

I opened my arms and she walked in to my hug as she begun sobbing again, I could feel her shaking as the tears fell into my T-shirt.

Closing the door behind us I walked her over to the sofa where she crawled into a ball, tucking her knees up and hanging them into her chest. I sat next to her and pulled her into my side trying to calm her down.

"It's okay, you're okay," I whispered into her ear.

Sobs continued to rack her body as I spoke, maybe even more when I reassured her that I was here for her. I pulled away to look at her.

"Lizzie what happened?" I asked.

She looked up to me, bringing her hand up to her face to wipe away her tears, "I- It's- I don't know- I can't.." her breath picked up again and she started to shake her head"

"Hey, Lizzie keep looking at me okay?" I said calmly, cupping her cheek, "it's okay, I need you to focus on my breathing." I spoke, taking her hand and placing it on my chest.

I sat there breathing with her for a few minutes until her breath slowed back down and the tears had dried on her cheeks. I pulled her head into the crook of my neck, "it's okay, you're okay."

We sat like that for a while. I held her close to me until I felt her breath go back to normal and her body became heavy telling me she had fallen asleep.

I slowly began to sit up properly and picked her up bridal style, taking her to my room. Laying her down in the bed I pulled the duvet over the both of us as her body moved to hug herself into my side, her hand over my waist keeping me close.

Slowly the lull of sleep fell over me and my breathing matched Lizzie's.


As the sun shone through my window, I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in last night, my arm wrapped over Lizzie's shoulders and her hand around my waist. Our legs were tangled and she looked so very peaceful laying next to me. I kissed the top of her head and looked down to see her eyes still puffy from last night and her running mascara dried under her eyes. As I took my hand to draw circles on her back I heard her hum and pull me in closer until her eyes opened and met mine.

I kissed her softly on the lips and she kissed me back before taking her hand and pulling some loose hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry about last night," she said into the silence, her head now back on my chest.

"You don't need to apologise Liz. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her.

"It's complicated," she mumbled.

"I can work with complicated," I said, stealing the lines she spoke to me not two days ago.

"Someone who I've known for a while isn't who I thought they were," she said quietly.

I stayed silent, waiting for her to continue.

"I went to my sisters but neither of them were home and I didn't know where else to go, so I came here," she finished.

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked, stroking her back.

She shook her head and looked up to me, "you've done enough just by being here."

I leaned forward and closed the gap between us kissing her softly. She placed her hand on my cheek to keep the rhythm between us and deepand the kiss. Brushing her tongue along my bottom lip I granted her access and moved my other hand to hold onto hers.

She was now perched upon one arm stationed at the side of my head. Continuing the rhythm, I moved to pick up my body weight and shift it underneath her and she made quick work to move her lips onto my neck leaving hot open mouthed kisses as my hands scratched up her spine underneath her jumper. With both arms behind my neck she pulled my body weight up to take my shirt off over my head. Throwing it on the floor, her lips reconnected with mine. This time with much more passion and lust.

I copied her moves and pulled her jumper over her head, parting our lips for a split second before she kissed me again, I sighed into her mouth giving her access to my tongue as we fought for dominance. 

My hands made their way down her back on onto her thighs, stroking up and down, edging closer to where she needed me most.

"Please," she sighed into my mouth.

I hummed, kissing her neck and behind her ear before finding her sweet spot, she moaned quietly into my ear before I sucked on it harshly. Lizzie began slowly rocking her hips into mine to create some sort of friction.

"Y/N," she whispered, "please, I need you."

I pulled back and looked into her eyes, gone were her sweet green eyes. I was now met with a look of lust and dare I say desperation. I made quick work of removing her shorts and placing the palm of my hand against her clit which earned a moan from the back of her throat.

"Y/N I swear to God if you don't-"

She was cut off by my forefinger entering her centre. Curling ever so slightly but enough to make her breath increase. Collecting her wetness I entered another finger and kept up the steady rhythm. Moving my hips against the back of my hand to gain the same level of friction she felt. She pushed my chest back down onto the mattress and pulled me in for a passionate kiss that was interrupted when I met the perfect spot inside of her. She threw her head back, her bottom lip between her teeth as she rode my fingers.

"Fuck," she spoke quietly enough so that I could just about make out what she said.

I smiled as I pushed in another finger, taking her by surprise, "oh my god Y/N keep going," she moaned, her hand now found its way to her breast and gently massaged it.

I pulled her hand away and replaced it with my mouth, taking her nipple between my lips and brushing over the tip with my tongue piercing. Her hands on the back of my head, pulled at my baby hairs and scratched my scalp as she hummed in approval. Her hips were now doing all the work, chasing her high.

Watching her ride my fingers was one of my favourite sights and I don't know how I went so long without experiencing this.

I felt her walls begin to close against my fingers and her legs trying to close to keep me inside her. I took my other hand that was rested on her back and slowly added pressure to her clit which sent her over the edge.

She came undone on top of me and continued slowly rocking against me until her breathing slowed.

She took hold of my face and kissed me passionately as I slowly pulled away my fingers, she sighed at the loss of me inside of her and as she did I took the opportunity to place my fingers between her lips. As if she knew what I wanted she's sucked them clean and moaned against my hand.

Pulling away my wrist she looked at me and smiled warmly as if she did jot just ride my hand.

"You're gorgeous Y/N," she said against my lips.

"So are you," I replied, returning the kiss as she flipped our position so she was now beneath me, her eyes meeting mine.

My green eyed girl.

A/N - Mum if you're reading this I am deeply sorry. For everyone else - I hope you enjoyed! Who was Lizzie so upset over?

I write most of this on the bus so I am sorry for any spelling errors xoxo

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