Remember me

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"Y/N please tell me where we're going so I know what to wear," Lizzie begged as she stood in front of the wardrobe looking at my clothes.

"No, it's a surprise," I laughed looking at how stressed she was getting.

She sighed and pulled out one of my black t-shirts and a pair of jeans, "Y/N?" she asked, turning to look at me while pulling on the jeans.

I hummed in response, watching her through the reflection in my mirror as I pulled my hair up.

"Do you think we can swing by my house so I can get some clothes?" She asked shyly.

"Of course Liz, we'll go after today," I said smiling, "plus I want to see this house of yours."

She nodded in response and pulled the t-shirt over her head.

"You okay baby?" I asked noticing her silence.

"I hope Robbie isn't there," she said, walking over to where I was standing in front of the mirror.

"I'll be there with you, he won't lay a hand on you ever again," I said turning to face her.

She looked up and went on her tiptoes to kiss my lips, "I love you," she said with a smile.

"I love you too," I smiled, "you ready?"

She nodded her head and grabbed her bag and shoes.

"Where are we going?" She asked again as we walked towards the front door.

"I'm not telling you," I smirked.

"Please," she said again, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Elizabeth Chase Olsen don't give me those eyes," I laughed placing my hand on the small of her back to lead her out the door.

I watch her roll her eyes as I locked the front door. I held my hand out for her to hold which she took straight away, and we walked out of the building. I pulled out my air pods and gave her the left one while I put the right one in my ear, shuffling my Late Nights playlist.


We walked for about 45 minutes before Lizzie tugged at my hand. I hummed and looked at her with a smile.

"Are you leading me to my death," she laughed, "we've been walking for ages."

"Shit yeah I was but now that you've figured it out, I'll have to change my plans," I joked.

She laughed and rolled her eyes, "we're nearly there," I said nodding in front of us.

After a few more minutes we reached the row of houses in Kingston where I grew up. A flood of memories flashed before me. From learning how to ride a bike on this very road to the day I came home for dad's funeral.

"Y/N what's wrong?" She asked looking at me with concern.

It was only then that I realised I had stopped walking to take it all in.

"This is the road I grew up on, just a lot of memories," I smiled, "I'm all right," I reassured her, kissing the crown of her head.

We walked halfway down the street before I pulled her towards house number 159.

"Is this where we are going?" She asked confused.

I nodded and smiled, walking her towards the front door. She looked at me confused until I pulled out a key from my pocket and put it in the door. After a few turns of the key, the door clicked open, and I held it for Lizzie to walk through. Her face was riddled with confusion as she stepped into the townhouse.

"Welcome to my childhood home," I said with a smile.

"You grew up in this house?" She asked looking around in awe.

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