Two weeks

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Elizabeth's POV

It had been two weeks since I had shown up at my sister's front door after my conversation with Y/N. To say they were mad would be an understatement.

*2 weeks ago*

"Lizard, we didn't expect you tonight," Ashley said, opening the door and hugging me.

A hug that I didn't realise I needed until I was in her arms. The comfort their house brought me made all my emotions come crashing down again and I began crying onto her shoulder. She didn't realise what was happening until she heard me sniffle.

"Liz, what's happened?" She said, looking at me, placing her hands on my shoulders to check my body to see if I was hurt.

"Can I come in," I managed to say between sobs.

She nodded and I made my way over to the sofa in the front room of their apartment. MK was already sitting on the sofa with the TV remote in her hand. She did not turn to look at me but heard as I entered.

"Who was it, Ash?" She said with her attention still on the TV.

"Lizzie?" She said turning around to look at me after Ash didn't respond.

"Lizzie, what's happened? Where's Robbie?" MK asked.

Just the mere mention of his name made me cry even harder. Both of the girls came rushing over to me and bought me over to the sofa to sit down. One on each side of me, Ashley passed me some tissues and MK passed me her glass of wine.

"Did something happen?" Ashley asked after a few moments of silence.

I went on to explain the whole story. Meeting Y/N last September, where I had been staying these past few months, and how Robbie wasn't very nice to me at all. I didn't show them my arm because if they knew he had hurt me he would already be dead. I didn't need more to deal with right now.

"Sometimes you can be really fucking stupid Elizabeth," MK spat out after taking in the story I had just told.

"MK that's not fair-" Ashley began as she put her hand on my leg.

"No that's bullshit Ash. She was engaged to Robbie, and she started not only sleeping with someone else but making them her girlfriend. That's not the NYC graduating Elizabeth that I know," she said brutally.

She was right of course, she always is. I made a terrible mistake, but I don't regret it. Not for one minute.

"I know I made a mistake; I don't need you telling me that. I just-" I started.

"What? You're sorry? You wish you could take it back? Imagine how broken Robbie is right now-"

"HE CHEATED ON ME FIRST," I shouted, standing up to look at MK, "HE HAS BEEN SLEEPING WITH MARLANA FOR NEARLY A YEAR. HE- you know what it doesn't fucking matter."

"He what Lizzie?" Ashley asked calmly.

"It doesn't matter, he's out of my life now," I said, running my hand through my hair to gain some composure.

"So that's it? The engagement is over?" MK asked, matching Ashley's tone.

I nodded and walked towards the window to look out into the garden, "he was never good to me, Y/N is."

After that conversation I went to my room and locked the door, I haven't really left since. I left to get food and go to the toilet. I hadn't slept properly since and I haven't showered either. I feel so fucking awful about this whole situation and all I wanted right now was Y/N. But she needed the time. The least I could do was give that to her, after everything I have put her through, I owe her that much.

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