Who died?

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"Hey Y/N who died?" My cousin James said down the phone line.

I giggled awkwardly, "what do you mean?"

"Well the last time I saw you was Grandma's funeral and the time before that was Uncle-"

"Okay point proven," I said, "listen I need to ask for a favour," I said cautiously.

"Hit me," he said.

How do you ask someone for their sperm? Hey James, I know we haven't spoken in 2 months, but can I have some of your off spring? Hey cousin J, I need some jiz. Hey J how's it going? I need your cum.

"Y/N?" He laughed on the other end.

"Right sorry. This is going to sound really weird but hear me out," I said testing the waters, "Lizzie and I want to invite you and your wife for dinner around ours."

"That's what it took you so long to ask me?" he said.

I laughed, "no there's another thing but I'd rather ask you in person so I thought you could come round, have dinner and then we can talk about it."

"And no one is dead?"

"No, no one is dead J, can you do tomorrow night?" I asked.

He pulled his phone away from his ear to ask his wife if they were free tomorrow, "hey Y/N, tomorrow works well. Are you still in apartment 13?"

"No, I'm actually living in my old house, 159."

"Grandma's house," he confirmed.

I hummed, "um yeah, it's a long story I will explain it tomorrow. Is 7 okay?"

He hummed as well, "yeah I'll see you at 7 Y/N."

I hung up the phone and looked at Lizzie who was sitting opposite me on the bed biting her bottom lip.

"So?" she asked.

"He's coming for dinner tomorrow and then we can ask him then," I said watching Lizzie let out a breath.

"Okay amazing ... how are we going to ask him for his fucking sperm this is so weird," she rushed out.

I grabbed her hands as they were flailing in front of me and gave them a squeeze, "we'll figure it out. If he says no, we can think of a backup okay?"

She nodded and took a few deep breaths with me, "and if he says yes?" she asked, still holding my hands.

"Then we'll go from there," I said calmly.

She nodded her head with a small smile, "yeah yeah okay," she said thinking for a moment.

"Shit," I said quickly, dropping her hands.

"What?" she asked.

"I have a work thing tomorrow, it's the um- it's the book launch for the um- the Milo Greene book," I said looking in her eyes.

"Do you have to go?" she asked.

"Lizzie it's my companies publishing, I kind of do. Please can you come with me?" I asked.


"I know I know, it's your ex, it was a complicated relationship, but I would really like you to be there, for me?" I asked giving her puppy dog eyes.

"You know I can't say no to that," she said with a small smile.

"So you'll come?" I asked.

She nodded, "yeah yeah I'll come," she agreed, "message James and we'll do lunch instead."

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