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Both out of breath, Lizzie lay down on the bed next to me, a pillow under her waist. I smiled and placed the syringe down on the bedside table and turned my attention back towards her.

"How long do I have to lay like this?" she said looking at her very naked body with her hips up in the air.

"30 minutes," I replied, brushing hair out of her face gently.

She groaned and shifted her hips so it would be a bit more comfortable, "and you definitely got it in the right hole?" she said looking up at me.

"No Lizzie, I stuck it up your ass," I said sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes.

"Of course I got it in the right hole Lizzie, there is only one hole it's going to fit in," I giggled.

She nodded and took a deep breath, "God I hope it works," she mumbled, linking her hand with mine.

"It's going to work," I reassured her, giving her hand a slight squeeze.

She nodded and looked up to me with a sweet smile, "I love you," she mumbled.

"I love you too," I smiled, cupping her cheek, and leaning down to kiss her lips softly.

She kissed back with the same soft love. Our lips pressed against each other softly and lovingly. She slowly deepened the kiss and ran her tongue along my bottom lip. I smirked into the kiss and allowed her tongue to fight against mine. I moved my lips away from hers and down to her neck, sucking harshly.

"Y/N," she breathed out.

I hummed against her neck.

"Mhm, Y/N I can't right now, not that I don't want to, I don't want to risk this failing," she said, breathing quickly as I left a love bite on her neck behind her ear.

I nodded and smirked, "you're right," I said pulling away and looking down at her.

"I didn't say that we had to stop though," she husked, tapping my legs.

"Lizzie you need to keep your hips flat," I said.

"So I'll stay laying down," she smirked, pulling me in for another kiss.

I positioned myself on top of her and kissed her softly, "are you sure?" I mumbled against her lips.

She nodded quickly and moved her hands from my cheeks to my breasts, kneading them gently. I sighed into her mouth and felt her smirked as she flicked over my nipples with her fingers. She moved her lips to my neck and sucked on it harshly, definitely leaving marks that I would have to cover later on. I found myself grinding against her, getting any friction I could.

"Please Lizzie," I sighed.

She giggled a little and moved one of her hands from my chest to the gap between my legs, pressing lightly on my clit. I moaned deeply and nodded as her lips met mine again. As we started to kiss, she slowly pushed two digits into me, letting me ride them at my own pace. I kept my hips moving slowly, my breath rising as I did. With the combination of Lizzie's fingers inside me and the other teasing my nipples, I felt my walls begin to close around her hand and a familiar feeling sinking down my stomach. Lizzie nodded and pulled away from the kiss to look into my eyes as I came undone on top of her. She kept her fingers moving to help me ride out my high until my hips stopped moving. She pulled out and I sighed a little at the loss of contact and moved to lay down next to her gently.

"Fuck I love you," I said, kissing her softly, "and this little bean that is making its way into your womb," I said kissing her stomach.

She giggled and ran her finger along my spine making goose bumps travel down my arms.

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