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"Care to explain what the fuck that was?" Y/N shouted as the front door shut, making me jump slightly.

"Don't shout at me," I said calmly, turning round to look at her.

"Elizabeth are you going to explain what just happened?" she said, her voice still a bit too loud.

I scoffed and walked towards the kitchen, taking my jacket off as I did, "at first maybe I was over thinking but then we walked into her perfect fucking house and she called you a stupid little nickname and she cupped your fucking face, please tell me you can see why I'm a bit angry," I explained calmly.

"No Elizabeth I can't, you didn't even give her a fucking chance. She was so welcoming and-"

"She was fucking flirting with you," I stated, raising my voice over hers.

"Even if she was, how is that my fucking fault?" she asked.

"You're not helping with that stupidly fucking cute laugh and your stupid little inside jokes," I shouted.

"OH MY GOD- I can't fucking believe you right now," she said running her hand through her hair.


She dropped her hand and quickly walked towards me, grabbing my waist and kissing me passionately. I gasped and hesitated before quickly kissing her back, slipping her tongue onto mine, she pushed me back against the kitchen side and quickly undid the button on my jeans. I parted my legs slowly and let her push her hand between my thighs.

I sighed when she rubbed up and down my clit through my underwear, kissing me passionately. My breath increased as she moved my underwear aside and shoved two digits deep inside me. I moaned deeply and threw my head back as Y/N moved her lips to my neck, sucking harshly and not bothering to smooth the marks she left behind her.

I don't know if it was the passion, the fact we were literally just shouting at each other or that her fingers were roughly pumping in and out of me, but I was embarrassingly close, and Y/N knew it too. She bought her lips back to mine and swallowed my moans as she curled her fingers, making me cum over her hand. I felt my breath slow down as she pulled her hand away and cupped my cheek with it. Our lips slowly parted, and I closed my eyes when she pulled away and pushed some hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"Have I ever told you that you're really hot when you get angry," she said.

"Have I ever told you how angry I get when people flirt with the people I'm dating?" I replied.

She shook her head slowly, "she wasn't-"

"Shut up," I interrupted.

"Fucking make me," she dared.

I leaned forward and kissed her again, instantly running my tongue over her bottom lip. She tapped my legs and made me jump up to wrap my legs around her waist, walking us both upstairs. Once we reached our bedroom, she threw me down on the bed and removed my trousers, followed by her own. As she stood up to take off her t-shirt I grabbed our strap from the drawer, handing it to her.

"What do you want me to do with that," she said.

"Whatever you want," I replied, "just fuck me please."

She nodded and tied it around her waist, bringing her lips back to mine and kissing me harshly, sucking on my bottom lip before biting it slightly, making me moan.

She pulled my underwear off and ran the tip of the strap over my folds before quickly pushing it inside me. She moved quickly and I had to stop kissing her, my mouth forming an O as she hit my G-spot. I wrapped my legs around her waist to pull her in closer and flipping us over, so she was laying down. I pulled her out of me before slamming my hips down, her cock filling me up. I placed my hands on her chest and bounced my hips up and down.

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