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So, you know my previous meeting with Milo Greene? Apparently, they have requested to see me again, when I asked if anyone else could go Arthur said that I had been asked for specifically by the lead singer. Robbie.

After contacting their PR team, we agreed on having lunch with the band, their manager, myself, and Arthur. I asked if we could bring partners as this would be a perfect chance to introduce Lizzie to my world, but I was denied the request as we would have many events over the next year while Milo Greene worked closely with us to put together their book.

It was currently 6 pm and I was frantically running around my flat trying to get everything ready for when everyone began arriving in 30 mins. I struggle to remember how this meeting had settled on being held at my house as I was probably distracted during the meeting, texting Lizzie underneath the table. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock at the door and Arthur's face close against the spy hole.

"Hey," I said, opening the door and walking back over to the kitchen.

"Hello," he said, taking off his jacket and hanging it up on the hooks beside the door, "nice apartment," he followed, walking around slowly, undoing his cufflinks to roll up his sleeves.

"It does the job," I replied quietly, pouring him a drink.

I held up the glass so he could take it while I walked over to the oven and stirred the soup I was making for the starter.

"The band should be here shortly," he spoke, "their manager couldn't make it so it'll just be us and them."

"Okay amazing," I said sarcastically. No manager meant they - Robbie – could say as he pleased with no repercussions.

"Would you just excuse me for a moment?" I said to Arthur as he nodded in my direction.

Untying my apron, I walked into my bedroom and shut the door behind me, pulling out my phone.

"Hey," Lizzie's voice echoed through the voice as she sniffled.

"You okay Liz?" I asked slightly worried.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay don't worry. How are you?" She asked, I could tell she was lying as I heard the hoarseness of her voice that told me she had been crying.

"We'll talk about you later, okay?" I said softly.

She hummed through the phone and waited for me to talk again, "I'm a bit anxious I won't lie. The band's manager pulled out so it's just me, Arthur and them," I said, biting the skin around my nail.

"Baby, listen to me, I know you're nervous because the last interaction was poor on their part, but you've got this. You're good at your job and you can handle this okay?" She said, trying to reassure me.

"And what if Robbie is cold towards me?" I asked her.

"Then be the bigger person. Y/N you're fantastic, you're going to smash this I promise. I'm only a phone call away if you need me," she said.

"Will you stay over tonight?" I asked knowing that I would get a good night's sleep if she was here.

"I don't know if I can tonight, but I'll see you tomorrow yeah?"

"Okay, I'll talk to you later Liz," I replied.

"Talk later, good luck babe," Lizzie said back.

And with that I hung up and followed it up with a message.

I know something is up, but we can talk about it tomorrow. Let me know if you need anything baby x

*Lizzie <3 liked a message*

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