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I want to start by saying that I love each and every one of you so incredibly much. I would not have had the motivation, love or time to do this is it wasn't for you guys. Every day I am excited to get up and continue Lizzie and Y/N's story and God, it hasn't been the easiest one, but I have loved every single fucking minute of it. I have juggled a job, university and writing over the past five months and they have honestly been the best five months of the past 365 days. I love Y/N and Lizzie and Scarlet (and even Robbie a little bit) and I am so sad to say goodbye. Thank you for all of your dedication, patience and love as I wrote this story. Please share your thoughts, I love to hear what you guys are thinking!

If it's requested enough, I may write a sequel or another Y/N dedicated book.

Thank you all. I love you 3000 <3

Warmest hugs and kisses, Izelle

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