Bath time

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Lizzie and I got back to the hotel at around 5 pm with a bag each full of wine from the shops on the Amalfi coast. After an amazing day, we decided that we would eat dinner in tonight on room service as we went out last night and spent the whole day out today.

"So I'll pour some wine, you run the bath and then we'll call room service afterwards for food?" Lizzie asked, paling the bags of wine on the kitchen side.

I nodded my head and kissed her shoulder before walking off towards the bathroom. While we were out, the cleaners replenished our bed sheets and left fresh towel animals at the end of the bed. I laughed to myself and started to run the bath.

"Lizzie, do we want bubbles?" I shouted so she would hear me.

"Is that a trick question?" she shouted back.

I laughed and filled the bath up with bubbles before joining her in the kitchen. I came up behind her and put my hands around her waist as she popped the cork of the red wine bottle.

"Hey," she whispered, lifting one hand up to stroke my cheek.

"Hey," I mumbled back, kissing her neck softly, "don't you think it's funny that we only drink red wine on holiday? I mean, at home we only really drink white," I observed.

Lizzie giggled and turned around, handing me one of the glasses, "I love that it's our home now," she smiled, scrunching her nose.

I leaned down and kisses her lips softly, pulling away after a few seconds and walking backwards towards the bathroom, "I'm going to get in the bath, do you want to bring some snacks?"

She shook her head and smirked, following me to where the bath was nearly full. We kept eye contact as I placed both of our glasses of wine on the shelf above the bath and then moved my hands to the buttons on the front of her dress. She smiled watching my moves and assisted me in helping her take the dress off over her head. Once her dress was off, she helped me with my t-shirt as I stepped out of my shorts. With her hands on my shoulders, pushing off my shirt, I leaned down and kissed her lips softly.

"Come on, let's get in the bath," she mumbled against my lips, stepping into the full tub.

I followed after she had sat down and took my place sitting behind her, she leaned her head back onto my shoulder and took a sip of her wine before placing it back on the shelf. I kissed her neck softly, moving my hands from the side of the bath, up her body. Softly caressing her sides as I did. I heard her sigh as my hands reached her breasts, softly running my fingers over her nipples. She placed her hands on my thighs, squeezing them every so often to encourage me to continue. I pressed my lips on her neck harder and began to leave hot open-mouthed kisses, sucking behind her ear, enough to leave a mark. She moaned deeply when I tweaked her nipple between my fingers and sucked on her sweet spot. I pulled away with a smirk, looking at the purple marks left on her neck.

"I swear to God Y/N, I'm not going to be happy if you leave marks on my neck," she mumbled between moans.

"Might be a bit late for that," I replied, kissing her neck again.

She laughed and grabbed my hand, moving it further down er body and in between her legs. I smirked at her confidence and ran my fingers through her folds, collecting her arousal. Even under the water, I could feel how wet she was just from me sucking her neck and lightly touching her breasts.

"Stop teasing and just fuck me please Y/N," she sighed, squeezing my leg harder, definitely leaving nail marks.

I laughed slightly and left no time before letting her dripping cunt engulf two of my fingers at once. She accepted it with ease and began grinding herself against my hand. I kept up my action of kissing her neck as I pumped my fingers in and out of her, lightly pressing my thumb down on her clit as I did. Her breath picked up as her walls began to clench around my fingers. The movement of her grinding against my hand, made her back pressed against my own core, increasing my breath at the same time.

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