Rachel and Elsie

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After a few hours of chatting, making out and a little bit more, Lizzie and I lay on the sofa under a blanket. Her finger was drawing soft patterns on my chest that were now marked by Lizzie's lips. I smiled down at her as I watched. I could hear the birds waking up outside and the sun starting to shine through the window onto my Lizzie's bare back. It was so peaceful, if I didn't have to start getting ready for work, I would have happily stayed in this position all day but the world of adulting was slowly creeping up on me.

"Elizabeth," I said softly to get her attention.

She hummed and looked into my eyes lovingly.

"I need to get up for work," I whispered.

She groaned and laid her head on my chest, "5 more minutes."

I chuckled and ran my hand up and down her spine, "5 more minutes," I agreed.

She smiled against my chest and took a long breath in and out, "I wish we could stay like this forever," she mumbled.

I smiled and kissed her head gently, "what are your plans today?" I asked.

"I have a meeting with a gay couple for their wedding photography and then I might go to Scarlet's café for lunch and I might bring someone a fresh sandwich if they're lucky-"

I chucked, "oh yeah who is this person?"

"She's just some girl, she's really lovely though and I am deeply in love with her," Lizzie replied picking herself up to look at me.

"She sounds great," I said playfully.

"Yeah, she's pretty amazing," she smiled, pecking my lips a few times.

I giggled and sat up, sitting Lizzie on my lap gently, "I really need to get up now," I spoke.

She groaned again, throwing her head on my cloudier dramatically.

"I do need to shower though," I said slowly.

She picked up her head and smiled, "lead the way."

"You need to get up then," I laughed.

She wrapped her legs around my waist and scrunched her nose, "carry me," she stated.

"Come on then little spider monkey," I said quoting Twilight.

She giggled as I stood up and held her legs tightly around my waist as i walked us up the stairs. When we got into the bathroom Lizzie was giggling loudly.

"What is so funny?"

"Sorry-" she said in between laughs, "I started thinking of Twilight quotes and-"

"Lizzie currently you are the only one laughing because I do not know what we are finding funny," I chuckled.

"Where the hell have you been loca," she laughed, snorting a little.

When I tell you I started DYING. We were both laughing until our eyes watered, I was laughing so much I had to put Lizzie down on the bathroom side and bend over to stop myself from choking. After a few deep breaths, I composed myself and I turned on the shower.

"It's not even funny," she said out of breath, wiping her eyes.

I shook my head and giggled, "watching you dying of laughter was funnier," I laughed.

She took a few breaths and let out a few last giggles before finally calming down. I turned around to look at her bright red face and broke into laughter again.

"Fuck Y/N," she laughed, "now I'm laughing again," she said out of breath.

"Okay Olsen pull it together, I know I'm hilarious, but I do have a day job to get to," I smiled, holding my hand out to help her off the side.

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